Lord Tweedsmuir visiting Fort San 7
- FS-001-a-0008
- Pièce
- [1935-1940]
Fait partie de Fort San fonds
Image of Governor General, Lord Tweedsmuir visiting Fort San.
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27 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
Lord Tweedsmuir visiting Fort San 7
Fait partie de Fort San fonds
Image of Governor General, Lord Tweedsmuir visiting Fort San.
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Duke of Connaught at Regina City Hall
Fait partie de City of Regina fonds
Large crowd watching as dignitaries stand on the steps of Regina City Hall for the official civic reception for the Duke of Connaught.
Lord and Lady Byng Visit Biggar
Fait partie de Biggar Photograph Collection
A large crowd of people are gathered to meet Lord and Lady Byng, who can be seen at the front of crowd; Two men in military uniform with drums are in the foreground
Earl Grey's visit to File Hills 1906 - A
Fait partie de People Collection
A photograph of four cars - four people per car - at a farmhouse festooned with bunting. The event is clearly the 1906 visit to Saskatchewan by Governor General Earl Grey and his wife, Lady Grey.
Earl Grey's visit to File Hills 1906 - B
Fait partie de People Collection
A photograph of four cars - four people per car - at the house of W.M. Graham, Indian Agent. The event is clearly the visit to Saskatchewan by Governor-General Earl Grey and Lady Grey.
Earl Grey's visit to File Hills in 1906 - C
Fait partie de People Collection
A photograph of three cars - four people per car - traveling along a meadow road. The event is the 1906 visit to Saskatchewan by Governor-General Earl Grey and Lady Grey.
Spectators and VIPs at Indian Head Fairgrounds
Fait partie de People Collection
A photo of the stands at the fairgrounds with about 100 spectators. The front row has several uniformed police/soldiers (one is saluting) - so the three gentlemen - and the lady climbing the stairs - are VIPs.
Eli Williamson with Governor-General Earl Grey and Lady Grey in Russell car
Fait partie de People Collection
A photograph of Eli Williamson and two passengers in Russell car, most likely Governor-General Earl Grey and Lady Grey with another Russell car following. The cars have just passed under a wheat/grass arch with Union Jack flags and a banner that says "God Save Our King"
Horse Guard at Indian Head Fairgrounds
Fait partie de People Collection
A photo of horses and riders in uniform at the fairgrounds. See another photo of the same event IHM.2021.0010 and IHM.2021.0011
Lord Tweedsmuir visiting Fort San 1
Fait partie de Fort San fonds
Image of Governor General, Lord Tweedsmuir visiting Fort San. Indigenous People and Catholic Clergy are shown in attendance.
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Lord Tweedsmuir visiting Fort San 2
Fait partie de Fort San fonds
Image of Governor General, Lord Tweedsmuir visiting Fort San. Indigenous People and Catholic Clergy are shown in attendance.
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Lord Tweedsmuir visiting Fort San 4
Fait partie de Fort San fonds
Image of Governor General, Lord Tweedsmuir visiting Fort San. Indigenous People and Catholic Clergy are shown in attendance.
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