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2 Archival description results for Golf√

2 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Doug McGillivray collection

  • MJ-127
  • Collection
  • 1904-1993

This is Doug McGillivray’s “Memory Lane” sports collection. It is a compilation of newspaper and magazine clippings of sporting events from 1904-1993. The sporting events include: horse racing, golf, collegiate sports, boxing, wrestling, soccer, ladies and men’s softball, Western Hockey Association (W.H.A.) hockey, track and field, basketball, old-timer hockey and National Hockey League (N.H.L.) hockey. The clippings are mounted on coloured bristol board.

McGillivray, Doug

Ken Bradley collection

  • MJ-183
  • Collection
  • [2009]

This collection reflects the historical research conducted by Ken Bradley in preparation for his book entitled Out of bounds: a century of golf in Moose Jaw. The research includes print outs and photocopies of newspaper articles, primarily from the Moose Jaw Time Herald, about golf in Moose Jaw from 1900-2008. It also includes summaries written by Bradley of golf happenings in the area.

Bradley, Ken