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17 Archival description resultados para Golf√

17 resultados diretamente relacionados Excluir termos específicos

Ken Bradley collection

  • MJ-183
  • Coleção
  • [2009]

This collection reflects the historical research conducted by Ken Bradley in preparation for his book entitled Out of bounds: a century of golf in Moose Jaw. The research includes print outs and photocopies of newspaper articles, primarily from the Moose Jaw Time Herald, about golf in Moose Jaw from 1900-2008. It also includes summaries written by Bradley of golf happenings in the area.

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"Clubhouse", Biggar Golf Club

Exterior photograph of the clubhouse of the Biggar, Golf Club in Biggar, Saskatchewan; four men (none indentified) standing (one sitting) on front porch of the building

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This series contains 1 sign, 1 letter, 1 letterhead, 1 envelope, 1 loan certificate, 10 score cards, 2 cheque blanks, 1 cheque, 7 greens fee tickets, 2 membership cards, 2 membership registration forms, 8 membership tags, 2 membership sticker, 6 raffle tickets, 8 event tickets, 1 printer's negative, 9 posters with dates, and 4 posters without dates.

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Ines Claggett collection

  • IC
  • Coleção
  • [ca. 1930] - [195-]

The collection contains two scanned copies of black and white photographs owned by Ines Claggett, as well as five original black and white photographs. All photographs were originally taken between [ca. 1930] and [195-]. The photographs depict group portraits of the "Southside Circle" women's group of the Melfort United Church, young students and teachers and the Salvation Army Building, a curling team, and the former Melfort golf club house - which was originally run by Mr. and Mrs. Dick Harms.

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Doug McGillivray collection

  • MJ-127
  • Coleção
  • 1904-1993

This is Doug McGillivray’s “Memory Lane” sports collection. It is a compilation of newspaper and magazine clippings of sporting events from 1904-1993. The sporting events include: horse racing, golf, collegiate sports, boxing, wrestling, soccer, ladies and men’s softball, Western Hockey Association (W.H.A.) hockey, track and field, basketball, old-timer hockey and National Hockey League (N.H.L.) hockey. The clippings are mounted on coloured bristol board.

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Biggar Golf Club, Christmas Day, 1928

Thirteen men, three women, and one child standing in a row in front of the clubhouse at the Biggar Golf Course. People identified as (from left to right): Harold Brown, Mr. Jack Hodgson, Mr. Bill Brown, Mr. Poole, Bob Briggs, Bill Borwnlee, W.D. Moore, Mrs. Heathfield, Mrs. Small, Mrs. Brown, Mr. Heathfield, L.G. Armstrong, Mr. Norman Fenby, W.J. Small, Dr. W. Brace, H.C. Skinner, Mr. James Flemming

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