Glaslyn (Sask.)



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Glaslyn (Sask.)

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Glaslyn (Sask.)

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Spiritwood Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0270
  • Entidade coletiva
  • ca.1932–1940?, ca.1965–

Spiritwood Pastoral Charge was created between 1926 and 1932, part of Prince Albert Presbytery and consisting of preaching points at Spiritwood, Bapaume and Mildred. By 1936, the Mildred point had moved to Shell Lake Pastoral Charge. Around 1940, the charge appears to have been dissolved, with Spiritwood joining Rothermere Pastoral Charge, in Battleford Presbytery.

Around 1965, the Spiritwood Pastoral Charge re-emerged, part of Prince Albert Presbytery and consisting of Spiritwood, Shell Lake, Twin Bay, Ranger, and Chitek Lake. By 1969, Shell Lake and Spiritwood were the only remaining points. As of 1984, the charge consisted of Chitek Lake (Summer), Glaslyn (Bissell Memorial), Shell Lake (Grace) and Spiritwood (Bissell Memorial). On June 30, 2002, Bissel Memorial Church, in Spiritwood, was re-named Trinity Bissell Memorial United Church. The charge was officially re-named Partners in Faith (Shared Ministry), on June 17, 2014.