Dominion Day group by Wilson's flour mill
- IHM.2021.0337
- Pièce
- July 1, 1909
Fait partie de Town Collection
A group in front of W. Wilson Flour Mills celebrating Dominion Day on July 1st 1909.
7 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
Dominion Day group by Wilson's flour mill
Fait partie de Town Collection
A group in front of W. Wilson Flour Mills celebrating Dominion Day on July 1st 1909.
Fait partie de Howard Jackson Collection
Old timers and others standing on the mill foundation in 1947
McNab Chub Flour Mill - Humboldt
Fait partie de Humboldt General Photograph Collection
Exterior view of McNab Chub Flour Mill, Humboldt's first flour mill under construction; the mill was destroyed by fire in 1956.
Man on a horse drawn sled post card
Fait partie de Town Collection
Man on a horse drawn sled in front of Indian Head flour mill
Fait partie de Town Collection
A photograph of W. Wilson Flour Mill with seven men posing with an empty horse-drawn grain wagon wagon on the right side of the picture
Fait partie de Town Collection
A large three story brick building with businesses on the first floor and residence on the second a thirds floors.
Fait partie de Graphic Arts Printing fonds
This series contains 3 gift certificates, 3 photographs, 1 survey, 5 invitations, 1 crossword puzzle, 1 envelope, 9 advertisements, 18 letters, 2 cheque blanks, 4 invoice forms, 4 letterheads, 11 envelopes, 15 business cards, 1 memo letterhead, 6 scale tickets, 1 book of scale tickets, 1 mail tag, 8 product labels, 1 bill of lading, 1 prototype product label, a sheet of stickers (40 stickers), and 44 growers contracts (12 oriental mustard, 13 yellow mustard, 14 brown mustard, 4 canaryseed, and 1 lentil).
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