Dominion Day group by Wilson's flour mill
- IHM.2021.0337
- Item
- July 1, 1909
Part of Town Collection
A group in front of W. Wilson Flour Mills celebrating Dominion Day on July 1st 1909.
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Dominion Day group by Wilson's flour mill
Part of Town Collection
A group in front of W. Wilson Flour Mills celebrating Dominion Day on July 1st 1909.
Part of Graphic Arts Printing fonds
This series contains 3 gift certificates, 3 photographs, 1 survey, 5 invitations, 1 crossword puzzle, 1 envelope, 9 advertisements, 18 letters, 2 cheque blanks, 4 invoice forms, 4 letterheads, 11 envelopes, 15 business cards, 1 memo letterhead, 6 scale tickets, 1 book of scale tickets, 1 mail tag, 8 product labels, 1 bill of lading, 1 prototype product label, a sheet of stickers (40 stickers), and 44 growers contracts (12 oriental mustard, 13 yellow mustard, 14 brown mustard, 4 canaryseed, and 1 lentil).
Graphic Arts Printing
Part of Town Collection
A photograph of W. Wilson Flour Mill with seven men posing with an empty horse-drawn grain wagon wagon on the right side of the picture
Man on a horse drawn sled post card
Part of Town Collection
Man on a horse drawn sled in front of Indian Head flour mill
McNab Chub Flour Mill - Humboldt
Exterior view of McNab Chub Flour Mill, Humboldt's first flour mill under construction; the mill was destroyed by fire in 1956.
Part of Town Collection
A large three story brick building with businesses on the first floor and residence on the second a thirds floors.
Part of Howard Jackson Collection
Old timers and others standing on the mill foundation in 1947