First Nations√



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First Nations√

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First Nations√

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29 Archival description results for First Nations√

29 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Cree Delegation for meeting with Prime Minister Wilfred Laurier

Members of the Cree Delegation that met with Canadian Prime Minister Wilfred Laurier in Lloydminster on August 8, 1910. It includes (from back row to front, L to R): Fred Bowtell, Percy Gilbert, Angus Quinney, Benjamin Quinney, Jean Baptiste Opissinow, Wemistiko-siawasis, Joe Taylor, William Sibbald, Father Cunningham, Mikweyapiy, Flying About aka Waskahat, Three Legs aka Nistokotchis or Mr. Cook, Antoine Muskego aka Kekekwayan, Misihew aka Chief, Silly Man aka Motchyinis, Fox aka Makesis, Mr Quinney, Sr, aka Manito-nikik, John Calling Bull, Napeview, Feather Trousers aka Oiway-tas, Horse aka Kamistatin, Ugly Fingers aka Myitchetchiy, Carpenter aka Mistchi-Konapew.

First Nation riding his pony

"The Indian, riding his pony, along with his teepee encampment, was the common sight that greeted the early explorer, trapper, missionary and later the early settler when they arrived on the prairies during the last century."

Results 1 to 15 of 29