University of Saskatchewan - Faculty√



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University of Saskatchewan - Faculty√

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University of Saskatchewan - Faculty√

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University of Saskatchewan - Faculty√

234 Archival description results for University of Saskatchewan - Faculty√

234 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

E.Y. Spencer fonds

  • MG 40
  • Fonds
  • 1926-1954 (inclusive) ; 1945-1951 (predominant)

This fonds primarily contains material relating to the research activities of E.Y. Spencer, including chemical analysis of various grains; silicates; sterols; synthetic proteins; solvent extractions from lignites; and an analysis of freshwater fish. Additionally, there is some material concerning various national and provincial organizations, including the Chemical Institute of Canada; the National Research Council; and the American Association of Cereal Chemists.

Spencer, Elvins Yuill

F.C. Cronkite fonds

  • MG 33
  • Fonds
  • 1928-1972, predominant 1934-1964

This fonds contains correspondence, legal documents, articles, journals, speeches, radio broadcasts, case studies, briefs, minutes, reports, memoranda, and legislation pertaining to the personal, legal, academic and public interests and activities of F.C. Cronkite.

Cronkite, Frederick Clinton, 1894-1973 (Dean of Law)

F.E. Coburn fonds

  • MG 49
  • Fonds
  • 1946-1979, predominant 1957-1975

This collection contains biographical material and personal correspondence, as well as files relating to Professor Coburn's work in the Dept. of Psychiatry, his affiliation with the New Democratic Party, and his membership with the Unitarian Universalist Church. There are several files on City and St. Paul's Hospitals, other universities, and articles, lecture notes, book reviews, speeches and addresses by Dr. Coburn.

Coburn, Frank Emerson, 1912-2004 (Professor of Psychiatry)

F.H. Edmunds fonds

  • MG 18
  • Fonds
  • 1917-1964

This fonds contains personal and research files on various topics, including a study of the Clwydian Range in North Wales, petrology, mineralogy, soil composition, oil and gas, sodium sulphate and soil mapping. In addition, there are a considerable number of area studies for Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and specifically the Lloydminister area, as well as 75 research reports done for private companies. There are also articles on poetry and the theatre - two of Professor Edmunds's personal interests.

Edmunds, Frederic Harrison

F.L. Barron fonds

  • MG 233
  • Fonds
  • 1932-1999 (inclusive) ; 1979-1999 (predominant)

The fonds consists of files relating to the teaching and research career of Laurie Barron, and consists predominantly of resource files including publications by others and photocopies of archival and library material.

Barron, Frank Laurie

F.L.M. Turel fonds

  • MG 114
  • Fonds
  • 1952-1974 (inclusive); 1967-1972 (predominant)

This collection contains notes, abstracts, and correspondence relating to 7 research articles by Dr. Turel, as well as a copy of her PhD thesis.

Turel, Franzika L.M., 1924- (Professor of Biology)

Flora Roy fonds

  • MG 149
  • Fonds
  • 1931-1945, predominant 1937-1938

This collection contains lecture notes taken by Dr. Roy while she was a student at the University of Saskatchewan. Predominately from English classes, these include notes on lectures given by Professors R.A. Wilson, J.M. Lothian, J.A. Bentley, Edith Brown, Jean Bayer, Murdoch Matheson, and Carlyle King. Included also are notes from a summer school art history class, taught at Emma Lake; and an English course from the University of Toronto.

Roy, Flora, (Alumnus; Professor of English (WLU)).

F.M. Quance fonds

  • MG 25
  • Fonds
  • 1900-1968 (inclusive) ; 1930-1952 (predominant)

This fonds consists of correspondence and biographical material; minutes, reports, and newsletters from the Canadian Council for Educational Research and the Canadian Education Association; and material related to the curriculum, courses, and staff of the College of Education. In addition, there is considerable information relating to Quance's publications, his speeches and articles, particularly on spellers, spelling, teacher's manuals, and examinations. It also contains information on Knox United Church in Saskatoon.

Quance, Frank Melville

G. Bilson fonds

  • MG 94
  • Fonds
  • 1960-1987 (inclusive) ; 1975-1987 (predominant)

This fonds contains correspondence with family, friends and colleagues; biographical and research grant information; research and bibliographic files and notes; manuscripts and typescripts of published and unpublished scholarly articles, book reviews, addresses and books; lecture notes and course materials; as well as drafts and typescripts of plays, short stories and several books for youth. A large percentage of the research files contain photocopies of secondary and primary materials.

Bilson, Geoffrey

G.A. McMurray fonds

  • MG 58
  • Fonds
  • 1949-1981 (inclusive) ; 1957-1978 (predominant)

This fonds contains information concerning various professional associations, including the American, Canadian, and Saskatchewan Psychological Associations; Government departments and agencies, such as the Defense Research Board, the Women's Bureau, and the National Research Council; and the Royal Commission on Health Services. There are also several files of lecture and research notes (including work done with Dr. Jaques), personal correspondence, and departmental material, including reports, curriculum, recruitment, and promotion; as well as two of Dr. McMurray's abstracts: "Theories of Pain and Congenital Universal Insensitivity to Pain" and "The Background of Thought and Language."

McMurray, Gordon Aylmer

G.E. Britnell fonds

  • MG 41
  • Fonds
  • 1923-1962 (inclusive) ; 1934-1962 (predominant)

This fonds contains extensive material relating to Britnell's work on various Royal Commissions, associations, national and international conferences, including reports, minutes, submissions, and notes. In addition, it contains his personal correspondence, notes from lectures (by Frank Underhill and Harold Laski), articles, and press clippings.

Britnell, George Edwin

G.E.M. Shelburg fonds

  • MG 63
  • Fonds
  • 1859-1934

This fonds contains land titles and indentures as well as miscellaneous notes and one completed chapter of a manuscript on eschatology in world religions, particularly in Islam and Christianity.

Shelburg, George E.M.

Gerhard Herzberg fonds

  • MG 440
  • Fonds
  • 1902-2006 (inclusive); 1935-1999 (predominant)

This fonds contains material relating to the personal and professional life of Gerhard Herzberg and his wife, Luise Herzberg. In particular, it contains correspondence with family, friends and colleagues, most notably from the period 1933-1949. Some articles are included.

Herzberg, Gerhard

Results 61 to 75 of 234