This fonds consists primarily of material from two studies in which Dr. Bone was associated. The earliest, the "Stony Rapids Project", was conducted while Bone was in the Department of Geography. It started with a small grant from the Canadian Wildlife Service to examine the caribou hunt; ie. the number of people involved and the number of animals taken. The project, however, grew to encompass a wider study of the region and its inhabitants. The second study was undertaken while Bone was with the Institute of Northern Studies (INS). The Northern Saskatchewan Housing Needs Survey was a co-operative effort between the Department of Northern Saskatchewan and the Northern Municipal Council. The primary focus was to investigate the housing needs of the Métis in northern Saskatchewan. The INS was subcontracted to oversee the project, train the surveyors, enter the data, and write the final report. The resulting survey was more than an examination of housing needs. It also contains a great deal of socio-economic data which resulted in one of the most exhaustive studies of its kind. The fact that the surveyors came from the communities studied explains much of the data collection success. Both of these projects offer a unique snapshot of the communities studied. There is also material of a more general nature that deals with northern Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, and the Yukon and Northwest Territories.