Emmet Heiter

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Emmet Heiter

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Emmet Heiter was born on March 3, 1891 and raised East of Assumption, Illinois. He left home and moved in with his Uncle Ham in Montana in 1908. He eventually settled in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan to work for the local fire department in 1912.

On September 15, 1915 Emmet enlisted with the 46th Battalion and sailed to France during the First World War. Emmet was fighting in the trenches of the Western Front in August, 1916. From October 1, 1916 to November 11, 1916 he participated in the Battle of the Somme by fighting in the smaller Battle of Ancre Heights. Emmet was wounded by shrapnel at Vimy Ridge on January 5, 1917. He was discharged from the infantry on March 6, 1919. Emmet was one of only three members of his division to survive the war.

After the war, Emmet returned to his family’s farm in Illinois due to his father’s failing health. He married Gertrude Campbell on February 12, 1921 and had six children: Jean, Delmar, Ilene (Midge), Rosalyn, Marguerite, and Donna. Emmet became supervisor and Justice of the Peace of Rural Township as well as a member of the Assumption Board of Education.

Emmet died on April 24, 1977.


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