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25 Archival description results for Certificate

25 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados

Dominion Land Grant to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company

Folded rectangle of paper on the outside is the basics of the deal and the the inside folds out into a large certificate. The certificate is legal confirmation of of deal in which the British government gave the Canadian Pacific Railway land in Manitoba to build its railway on. The certificate is dated 1905 but it says the deal actually took place back in 1899.

Indian Head 4H Club Charter (1973 - 1977)

A laminated 23 cm X 31 cm certificate - "Club Charter" - from the Canadian Council on $H Clubs awarded to the Indian Head 4H Club as a part of the Saskatchewan 4H Program for the years 1973 - 1977

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Indian Head 4H Club Charter (1978 - 1982)

A laminated 23 cm X 31 cm certificate - "Club Charter" - from the Canadian Council on $H Clubs awarded to the Indian Head 4H Club as a part of the Saskatchewan 4H Program for the years 1978 - 1982

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Certificate of Debenture for Jubilee SD 1122

Certificate of debenture by the province of Saskatchewan for Jubilee school 1122 to receive a loan of one-thousand dollars from the bank of Montreal (Indian Head branch) at 5.75% interest over fifteen years.

Indian Head 4H Club Charter (1954 - 1956)

A laminated 23 cm X 31 cm certificate - "Club Charter" - from the Canadian Council on $H Clubs awarded to the Indian Head 4H Club as a part of the Saskatchewan 4H Program for the years 1954, 1955,1956

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Indian Head 4H Club Charter (1961 - 1967)

A laminated 23 cm X 31 cm certificate - "Club Charter" - from the Canadian Council on $H Clubs awarded to the Indian Head 4H Club as a part of the Saskatchewan 4H Program for the years 1961 to 1967

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