- 2021-C-007
- Item
- 1916
Part of Seager Wheeler and Family fonds
Certificate of Award for Sweepstakes in Best Exhibition of Barley in the International Farm Congress and Soil-Products Exposition.
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Part of Seager Wheeler and Family fonds
Certificate of Award for Sweepstakes in Best Exhibition of Barley in the International Farm Congress and Soil-Products Exposition.
Saskatchewan Dairy Association Diploma for James Conn
Part of Agriculture Collection
A fourth-place certificate awarded to James Conn of Indian Head in the boys and girls cattle judging competition held in Regina in 1926.
Saskatchewan Dairy Association
Rosetown Private School document
Diploma of the Rosetown Private School.
Retirement from Veterans Affairs of John A. McKay
Part of Military Collection
Certificate of congratulations on the occasion of John McKay's retirement after 29 years with the Department of Veterans Affairs
Private Receiving Station Licence for Eva Totten
Part of People Collection
Certificate of licence for operating a "private receiving station" The licence was made out to "Miss Eva Totten, Grand Avenue, Indian Head, Sask." by "Arthur Leach SR"
Leach, Arthur
Pioneer Certificate to Samuel Hayes Stewart
Part of People Collection
Saskatchewan Golden Jubilee (1905-1955) Pioneer certificate to Samuel Hayes Stewart signed by Mayor Douglas and Reeve England
The Town of Indian Head
Marriage certificate of Elizabeth Holden and Dr. Frederick C. Middleton
Part of Health Collection
Marriage Certificate of Miss Elizabeth Emma Holden and Dr. Frederick Charles Middleton..
Instalment Dividend Certificate
Part of Seager Wheeler and Family fonds
Instalment Dividend Certificate from the Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Company.
Indian Head Horticultural Society - Certificate of formation
Part of Organizations Collection
The certificate was signed by Minister of Agriculture Alvin Hamilton and Indian Head applicants are named, including Norman M. Ross, John Walker, Mrs. W.H. Gibson and others
Indian Head 4H Club Charter (1978 - 1982)
Part of Organizations Collection
A laminated 23 cm X 31 cm certificate - "Club Charter" - from the Canadian Council on $H Clubs awarded to the Indian Head 4H Club as a part of the Saskatchewan 4H Program for the years 1978 - 1982
Canadian Council on 4-H Clubs
Indian Head 4H Club Charter (1973 - 1977)
Part of Organizations Collection
A laminated 23 cm X 31 cm certificate - "Club Charter" - from the Canadian Council on $H Clubs awarded to the Indian Head 4H Club as a part of the Saskatchewan 4H Program for the years 1973 - 1977
Canadian Council on 4-H Clubs
Indian Head 4H Club Charter (1961 - 1967)
Part of Organizations Collection
A laminated 23 cm X 31 cm certificate - "Club Charter" - from the Canadian Council on $H Clubs awarded to the Indian Head 4H Club as a part of the Saskatchewan 4H Program for the years 1961 to 1967
Canadian Council on 4-H Clubs
Indian Head 4H Club Charter (1954 - 1956)
Part of Organizations Collection
A laminated 23 cm X 31 cm certificate - "Club Charter" - from the Canadian Council on $H Clubs awarded to the Indian Head 4H Club as a part of the Saskatchewan 4H Program for the years 1954, 1955,1956
Canadian Council on 4-H Clubs
Part of Freda Hammond fonds
Two honors certificates to Minnie Arlene Brown and Freda Janet Brown - passing from Grade 5 to Grade 6 in 1920 - and made out by teacher Elizabeth E. Holden
Helena Brooks' Lifetime Membership to the Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church
Part of Church Religion Collection
A certificate with a green hard cover declaring Helena E. (Nellie) Brooks as a life member of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church. Includes a letter from Edith Shelford (President) explaining why she has received the certificate as thanks for her past help for the society.
The Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church