Street Photograph in Saskatoon
- PE1.039
- Item
- [ca 1955]
Lily Wessels (L), Ralph Wessels (C), Emma Kaiser (R) walking on a sidewalk in Saskatoon.
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Street Photograph in Saskatoon
Lily Wessels (L), Ralph Wessels (C), Emma Kaiser (R) walking on a sidewalk in Saskatoon.
A photograph of Mr. & Mrs. C.W. Holmes, snapped on a street in Victoria in August 1938 and put onto a postcard sold in Rosetown. C.W. Holmes, a Rosetown pioneer, started the Rosetown Eagle, Rosetown's weekly newspaper.
Man and woman holding dogs on their laps
Seated in lawn chairs outdoors, a couple are holding small dogs on their laps.
Bob and Jennie Sansom were Glamis homesteaders. They are pictured here before a fireplace while Jennie knits.
Street photograph of William King (Bill or Billy) and Margaret King (Cooke), pioneers of Rosetown. Bill King was the proprieter of King's Store, among other accomplishments.