Man and woman holding dogs on their laps
- PE1.023
- Pièce
- [1940s]
Fait partie de Rosetown General Photograph Collection
Seated in lawn chairs outdoors, a couple are holding small dogs on their laps.
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Man and woman holding dogs on their laps
Fait partie de Rosetown General Photograph Collection
Seated in lawn chairs outdoors, a couple are holding small dogs on their laps.
Fait partie de Rosetown General Photograph Collection
A photograph of Mr. & Mrs. C.W. Holmes, snapped on a street in Victoria in August 1938 and put onto a postcard sold in Rosetown. C.W. Holmes, a Rosetown pioneer, started the Rosetown Eagle, Rosetown's weekly newspaper.
Mr. Oiler, Basketball Coach in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Fait partie de Biggar Photograph Collection
A candid photograph of basketball coach, Mr. Oiler, in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Fait partie de Rosetown General Photograph Collection
Bob and Jennie Sansom were Glamis homesteaders. They are pictured here before a fireplace while Jennie knits.
Street Photograph in Saskatoon
Fait partie de Rosetown General Photograph Collection
Lily Wessels (L), Ralph Wessels (C), Emma Kaiser (R) walking on a sidewalk in Saskatoon.
Sunny Slope School District #1843 Photograph Display
Fait partie de School Collection
A laminated manila page (20 cm X 38 cm) with text at the top detailing highlights in the history of the school and six black-and-white snapshot photographs of students at the school (names not specified).
Sans titre
Fait partie de Rosetown General Photograph Collection
Street photograph of William King (Bill or Billy) and Margaret King (Cooke), pioneers of Rosetown. Bill King was the proprieter of King's Store, among other accomplishments.