Canada. Army - Deployment√



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Canada. Army - Deployment√

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Canada. Army - Deployment√

  • Usado para Use up to 1968. Use Canadian Armed Forces from 1968 to present

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Canada. Army - Deployment√

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Intercommunication Platoon – Regina Rifle Regiment

Group photograph of the Intercommunication Platoon – Regina Rifle Regiment at Camp Dundurn, located south of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in the summer of 1940.

Names supplied on back of photograph: Top Row (left to right): D. Snell; J. Drummond; D. Mills; R. Drinnan; C.Hardy; A. Munro; F. Ferguson(?); C.Corrigal. Middle Row (left to right): Z. Wozny; I. Poval; J. Nichols; Fuzz MacDowel; H. Miller; Livesley; Billy Taylor; Rooney. Bottom Row (left to right): Swede Johnson; ?; D. Cotton; Al Kennedy; Lt. Reid; Sgt. Cathcart; J.J. Charleston; Long John Gillette; Cotton.

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