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Authorized form of name
Burns, Elizabeth
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Dates of existence
Elizabeth Burns was born in England in 1906 to parents John and Annie. She was the second of four children, James having also been born in England, and Muriel and Marjorie having been born in Saskatchewan. Elizabeth Burns immigrated to England with her parents and brother in 1911.
The Henderson’s directories from 1925 to 1927 list Elizabeth as being a nurse at the Moose Jaw General Hospital while also residing there. She graduated from three year nursing program at the Moose Moose Jaw General Hospital Training School for Nurses on May 12, 1928.
The entry for her name in the Moose Jaw General Hospital Training School for Nurses graduate list in MJ-89.002 also lists her as “Mrs. L. Wyles” and living at 3642 - 35th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia in 1952. The Wrigley’s British Columbia Directory for 1952 lists a Lawrence J. Wyles as living at that address.
It is not known when Elizabeth died.
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan