Boharm (Sask.)



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  • Book by Bill Barry: "People Places: The Dictionary of Saskatchewan Place Names" (1998)

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Boharm (Sask.)

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Boharm (Sask.)

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Boharm (Sask.)

4 Archival description results for Boharm (Sask.)

4 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Cultivating and seeding in Moose Jaw district

Copy 1 shows men driving two plows pulled by horses and one seeder driven by a man and a woman pulled by horses. Copy 2 is a magnified and cropped image of copy 1. Copy 3 is cropped and magnified view of seeder and man and woman. At Barker farm at Boharm, Saskatchewan

Massey Harris Farm Machinery Co.

People standing with tractor and separators in front of Massey-Harris Co. on High Street West. Some men identified in photo: (1) J.H. Bunnell, (2) Bob Doran, (3) Hugh Rorison (4) Thad. Arnold (Boharm district farmer) (6) Charles Thornhill