Boharm (Sask.)



Bereik aantekeningen

ron aantekeningen

  • Book by Bill Barry: "People Places: The Dictionary of Saskatchewan Place Names" (1998)

Toon aantekening(en)

Hiërarchische termen

Boharm (Sask.)

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Boharm (Sask.)

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Boharm (Sask.)

4 Archival description results for Boharm (Sask.)

4 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Massey Harris Farm Machinery Co.

People standing with tractor and separators in front of Massey-Harris Co. on High Street West. Some men identified in photo: (1) J.H. Bunnell, (2) Bob Doran, (3) Hugh Rorison (4) Thad. Arnold (Boharm district farmer) (6) Charles Thornhill

Cultivating and seeding in Moose Jaw district

Copy 1 shows men driving two plows pulled by horses and one seeder driven by a man and a woman pulled by horses. Copy 2 is a magnified and cropped image of copy 1. Copy 3 is cropped and magnified view of seeder and man and woman. At Barker farm at Boharm, Saskatchewan