- SCM-RG-0043
- Fonds
- 20 July 2004
The fonds, related to the Agatha Schellenberg, was acquired by the source during its lifetime. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
Volume #1 (formerly 2004.33.5): textbook on midwifery written in German, one page of handwritten notes at the beginning, poor condition
Volume #2 (formerly 2004.33.6): black notebook, filled with handwritten pages and printed inserts, written in German, poor condition
Volume #3 (formerly 2004.33.12): orange notebook with lined pages, record or births from August 16, 1923 to December 1944 (not comprehensive)
Folder #1 (formerly 2004.33.10 & 11): nine handwritten pages of records of birth from ca. 1923 to 1944, written in German; 3 photocopies pages of letters written in German
1 (formerly 2004.33.7). framed photo of Agatha Schellenberg with her family
2 (formerly 2004.33.8). framed photo of a woman, caption reads "Agatha Schellenberg // May 22. 1889...June 18.1967"
3 (formerly 2004.33.9). framed photo of a house, caption reads "Schellenberg home Blumenort Sask March 1924..1947"
Schellenberg, Agatha