- 68-349
- Item
- [ca. 1960]
Part of MJ General Photograph Collection
Children and grandchildren of George LeCaine (Moose Jaw Sioux) of Assiniboia, in native dress on back of flatbed truck. Tipis seen in background
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Part of MJ General Photograph Collection
Children and grandchildren of George LeCaine (Moose Jaw Sioux) of Assiniboia, in native dress on back of flatbed truck. Tipis seen in background
Members of Moose Jaw Sioux Indian band
Part of MJ General Photograph Collection
Moose Jaw Sioux seated for portrait wearing native dress. Seen from left to right: Emma and her husband John Okute, Big Joe, Joe Ferguson and his wife Katrine (Emma's sister). Men seen holding rifles and one holding a peace pipe.
50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. George LeCaine, Assiniboia
Part of MJ General Photograph Collection
Mr. and Mrs. George LeCaine of Assiniboia, Saskatchewan, standing in front of their 50th wedding anniversary cake. Mr. LeCaine was the son of Emma and John Okute of Moose Jaw Sioux