Armed Forces√



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Armed Forces√

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Armed Forces√

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Armed Forces√

3 Names results for Armed Forces√

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Barnett, George Dudley (Dr.)

  • Person
  • 1915-1982

George Barnett was born in Saskatoon in 1915. He entered medical school at the University of Manitoba in 1938. He spent a year out of university while being treated for pleurisy at the Fort San Sanatorium, but recovered and graduated in 1944. After graduation he served in the armed forces. In 1946, Dr. Ferguson obtained Dr. Barnett's early release from the armed forces (RCAMC) and he joined SATL as a medical doctor. In 1957 Dr. Barnett was appointed as Dr. Orr's assistant, and succeeded him as General Superintendent on December 15th, 1957. He retired in 1982. He received a Commemorative Medal for the 125th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada, presented by the Governor General.

Kirkby, Robert Wellesley (Dr.)

  • Person
  • September 12, 1895 - October 24, 1976

Dr. Robert W. Kirkby was a veteran of World War 1, who later worked as a Medical Doctor at the Fort San Sanatorium from August 1, 1919 and Medical Superintendent of the Prince Albert Sanatorium from its opening in 1930 to closing in 1961.

Dr. Kirkby married Marie Berg, a nurse from Fort San in 1920.