Alida (Sask.)



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Alida (Sask.)

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Alida (Sask.)

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Alida (Sask.)

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Carnduff Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0449
  • Instelling
  • 1925–

Carnduff Pastoral Charge was formed as a new United Charge in 1925, part of Estevan Presbytery, with preaching points at Carnduff (St. Andrew's) and Wheatlands. Eventually, the charge joined with Carievale and, by 1958, it had been re-named Carnduff-Carievale Pastoral Charge. As of 1962, the charge consisted of Carnduff, Carievale, Bethel and Wheatland. Around 1965, Alida joined the charge and Carievale left (it would join Gainsborough, Bethel and Winlaw, ca.1966, to form Gainsborough-Carievale Pastoral Charge). By the 1970s, the charge had been re-named Carnduff-Alida. Alida eventually closed, December 31, 2003.