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Lacadena (Sask.)

United Church of Canada Elrose Presbytery

  • SCAA-UCCS-0017
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1926–1949

Elrose Presbytery was created in 1926, from the division of Kindersley Presbytery. Early pastoral charges in the presbytery included Eston, Dinsmore, Ferndale (student field), Richlea, Lucky Lake, Annerly (student field), Tuberose, North Landing, Demaine-Beechy, Elrose, Plato, Macrorie, Wiseton, Buffalo Basin (student field), Glidden, Wartime, Dunblane (including BIrsay), Dunblane (Finnish), Eatonia (English and German congregations), Rankin (student field), Mantario, Lacadena, Sanctuary.

In 1949, the Presbyteries of Elrose and Kindersley amalgamated, to become Rosetown Presbytery.

Kyle-Lacadena Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0465
  • Entidade coletiva
  • ca.1966–

Kyle-Lacadena Pastoral Charge was formed around 1966, from a combination of Lacadena, Kyle and additional preaching points at White Bear and Sanctuary. The previous Lacadena Pastoral Charge had been formed between 1926 and 1951 (part of Rosetown Presbytery), with additional preaching points at White Bear and Tyner. The preaching point at Kyle was also formed in that period and was part of Tuberose Pastoral Charge (in Rosetown Presbytery), alongside points at Tuberose and Sanctuary, supplied by Elrose and Lacadena. Kyle Pastoral Charge was established around 1959, with an additional preaching point at Sanctuary.

Lacadena closed June 30, 2011.