Affichage de 69 résultats

Methodist Church√

Provincial Church Union Committee

  • SCAA-UCCS-0076
  • Collectivité
  • 1923–1925

The Provincial Church Union Committee was formed on July 26, 1923, by representatives of the Saskatchewan Methodist Conference and the Presbyterian Synod of Saskatchewan to take preliminary steps to effect Church Union in Saskatchewan. Representatives of the congregational Churches were also invited to be on the committee.

Joint Committee on Church Union

  • SCAA-UCCS-0081
  • Collectivité
  • ca.1903–1925

The Joint Committee officially convened in April 1904, in Toronto, bringing together appointed representatives from the Congregationalist, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches, to negotiate church union. Meetings continued through to 1908, when the terms written in the Basis of Union were agreed upon and sent to the negotiating churches, for discussion and approval. By 1912, both the Congregationalists and the Methodists had agreed to the terms. The decision was more contentious for the Presbyterian Church, though in 1916, their General Assembly decided to go ahead with the union.
Between 1916 and 1925, the Joint Committee worked to complete the union and defeat those opposing it, including the newly formed Presbyterian Church Association.

Harrison, Herbert

  • SCAA-UCCS-0092
  • Personne
  • 18??–19?? [after 1926]

Herbert Harrison was a Methodist minister, whose served several Saskatchewan congregations, including North Portal, Chamberlain, Regina, Cabri, Estuary, and Cantaur. Prior to his studies, at Wesley College (1913–1914), he was received on trial at North Portal, Saskatchewan, in 1910, and served in Chamberlain (1911) and Regina (1912). Harrison was ordained in 1915 and served in Cabri (1916), Estuary (1917), and Cantaur (1918). He resigned in 1924 and left to join the Methodist Church, in England.

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