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United Church of Canada Living Skies Region Archives

Broadview-Whitewood Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0448
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–

Broadview Pastoral Charge was formed as an augmented United Church charge in 1925, within Qu'Appelle Presbytery and including the preaching point at Spring Lake. Whitewood Pastoral Charge was also formed as an augmented charge at the time but the preaching point was later added to Broadview Pastoral Charge, as was St. Andrew's United Church, Wapella.

As of November 30, 1986, Broadview Pastoral Charge was split into Wapella (St. Andrew's) Pastoral Charge and Broadview-Whitewood Pastoral Charge, the latter consisting of preaching points at St. Andrew's United Church, Broadview and Whitewood, Saskatchewan.

Delisle Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0452
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–

Delisle Pastoral Charge was formed in 1925, as a new United Church charge, part of Saskatoon Presbytery, with appointments at Delisle and Birdview. By 1940, the charge consisted of Delisle, Donavon and Laura and, by 1962, Vanscoy had also been added. On January 1, 2013, the Delisle and Vanscoy congregations amalgamated and the charge was re-named Delisle-Vanscoy Pastoral Charge.

Esterhazy Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0454
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–

Esterhazy Pastoral Charge was formed as a United Church charge in 1925, part of Abernethy Presbytery and consisting of preaching points at Kolin, Atwater and Esterhazy (St. Andrew's United Church). By 1951, the charge was part of Yorkton Presbytery and made up of Esterhazy, Redpath and Zeneta appointments.

Maidstone-Paynton Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0469
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–

Maidstone Pastoral Charge was created as a United Church augmented charge in 1925, part of Battleford Presbytery. By 1951, the charge consisted of Maidstone, Bresayler, Keyworth and Paynton (Knox), but later (as of 1962) Bresayler and Keyworth were replaced by McLaren. Sometime in the early-1980s, the charge was re-named Maidstone-Paynton Pastoral Charge. The preaching point at Paynton closed on October 17, 1999.

Preeceville-Sturgis Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0472
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–

Preeceville Pastoral Charge was created as an aid-receiving United Church charge in 1925, part of Kamsack Presbytery and consisting of appointments at Preeceville, Norway, Sturgis and Corifin. Between 1936 and 1940, Kopje and Wales were added the charge, then Stenen-Hyas, by 1946. As of 1951, the charge contained Preeceville, Stenen and Sturgis (Hyas was moved to Pelly-Maloneck). Around 1983, the charge was renamed Preeceville-Sturgis Pastoral Charge and, in 1984, Stenen was officially closed.

Martensville-Dalmeny Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0513
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1985–1994

North Saskatoon Pastoral Charge was formed as a new church development, October 6, 1985, part of Saskatoon Presbytery and including points at Dalmeny, Martensville, Osler and Warman. On July 1, 1987, the Dalmeny and Martensville points became Dalmeny-Martensville Pastoral Charge and the Warman and Osler points formed Warman Pastoral Charge. (Osler would soon close, in January 1988.) Dalmeny closed, on July 1, 1989, and the remaining Martensville joined with Warman to form Martensville-Warman Pastoral Charge. The two points amalgamated, July 26, 1994, becoming St. Thomas Valley United Church, in Warman.

Warman Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0514
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1985–2000

North Saskatoon Pastoral Charge was formed as a new church development, October 6, 1985, part of Saskatoon Presbytery and including points at Dalmeny, Martensville, Osler and Warman. On July 1, 1987, the Dalmeny and Martensville points became Dalmeny-Martensville Pastoral Charge and the Warman and Osler points formed Warman Pastoral Charge. Osler closed, in January 1988. After the closure of Dalmeny, on July 1, 1989, Warman and the remaining Martensville joined to form Martensville-Warman Pastoral Charge. The two points amalgamated, July 26, 1994, becoming St. Thomas Valley, in Warman. The pastoral charge eventually closed, on June 30, 2000.

File Hills Colony

  • SCAA-UCCS-0310
  • Entidade coletiva
  • ca.1898–19?

Established by the local Indian Agent (W.M. Graham), on Peepeekisis Reserve lands, the File Hills Colony was set up to be a farming colony that would continue the assimilation of Indigenous graduates of Industrial (Residential) Schools.

Eatonia Pastoral Charge

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–ca.1976, 1983–

Eatonia Pastoral Charge was formed as new United Church charge in 1925, part of Kindersley Presbytery and consisting of Eatonia and La Porte preaching points, as well as Bailey (from 1926). As of 1951, the charge was listed under Rosetown Presbytery, with points at Eatonia, Glidden, Laporte, Mantario and Rankin. By 1962, only Eatonia and Mantario remained in the charge.

Around 1976, Eatonia and Mantario (from Eatonia PC) combined with Marengo, Alsask and Flaxcombe (from Marengo PC) to form Prairie Neighbours Pastoral Charge. The new charge lasted until January 1, 1983, when Eatonia-Mantario Pastoral Charge was established (alongside Marengo Pastoral Charge).

Canora-Norquay-Pelly Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0485
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 2003–2012

The charge was created May 1, 2003, from the amalgamation of Canora-Invermay Pastoral Charge and Pelly Pastoral Charge. The preaching point at Invermay closed, on June 30, 2003.

On January 1, 2012, Canora-Norquay-Pelly dissolved and the three points were reorganized into separate charges, Canora Pastoral Charge, Norquay Pastoral Charge and Pelly Pastoral Charge.

Lemberg Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0430
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–1969?, 1989–

Lemberg Pastoral Charge was formed as a new United Church charge in 1925, part of Abernethy Presbytery and containing preaching points at Lemberg, Rosewood and Neudorf. Around 1959 Abernethy Pastoral Charge and Lemberg Pastoral Charge amalgamated to form Abernethy-Lemberg Pastoral Charge (a.k.a. Lemberg-Abernethy Pastoral Charge). This was combined with Balcarres-Pheasant Forks Pastoral Charge ca.1969, to create Pheasant Creek Larger Parish. In 1989, the Parish split into Abernethy-Lemberg, Balcarres, and Duff Pastoral Charges.

Togo Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0482
  • Entidade coletiva
  • ca.1926–1965?

Togo Pastoral Charge was created ca.1926, as a new self-sustaining United Church field in Kamsack Presbytery, with appointments at Runnymeade, Myler, Alva, and Togo. By the 1950s, the charge had been re-named Togo-Makaraoff Pastoral Charge, including points at Grand Narrows, Poplar Point, Makaroff, and Togo. Around 1965, the Togo point joined Kamsack Pastoral Charge, which was later re-named Kamsack-Togo Pastoral Charge. The preaching point at Togo was closed June 30, 2005.

Drinkwater Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0498
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–19??

Drinkwater Pastoral Charge was formed as a new United Church charge in 1925, as part of Moose Jaw Presbytery. Initially, the charge included preaching point at Drinkwater but by 1951 Belle Plaine was added and ca. 1962 Stoney Beach. The charge was later re-named Drinkwater - Stoney Beach Pastoral Charge. Around 1968, Drinkwater, Pense, Stoney Beach, Grand Coulee, Sherwood, and Richardson joined together to form the new Pense - Grand Coulee Pastoral Charge.

After the joint-charge was dissolved, Drinkwater joined with Pense to become Pense-Drinkwater Pastoral Charge, with preaching points at St. Andrew's (Pense) and Drinkwater. In 1994, Grand Coulee and Pense-Drinkwater Pastoral Charges amalgamated, as Plainsview Pastoral Charge. The points at Pense and Drinkwater both formally closed on June 30, 1998.

Bradwell Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0484
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–

Bradwell Pastoral Charge was formed as United Church charge in 1925, part of Saskatoon Presbytery and containing appointments at Bradwell and Clavet. By 1932, the Blucher preaching point had been added but, by 1962, the charge only consisted of Bradwell, Clavet and Floral. Between 1964 and 1966, no congregations beyond Bradwell were listed in the charge. Around 1967, Clavet and Allan were added back in, then later Lost River (moving from Young-Zelma Pastoral Charge, ca.1969). Clavet appears to have closed by the early 1970s, followed by Allan, around 1976.

Clavet officially re-opened, as a separate Pastoral Charge, on May 15, 1982, while Bradwell Pastoral Charge continued on, with congregations at Lost River and Bradwell (Knox United Church). Lost River officially closed June 25, 1989.

Rosthern Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0427
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–ca.1979, 1994–2004

Rosthern Pastoral Charge was created as a United Church charge in 1925, part of Saskatoon Presbytery and consisting of preaching points at Rosthern, Duck Lake and MacDowall. The charge was served by student ministers for much of the early period. Wakaw joined the charge ca.1974/1975 and, by 1979, Rosthern and Wakaw had joined Aberdeen to create Tri-Pastoral Charge. On July 1, 1994, TRI Pastoral Charge was dissolved and Rosthern Pastoral Charge re-emerged. The charge closed June 30, 2004.

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