- Person
- 1919-2013
Clarance Crawford McAusland was born in Saskatchewan in August 1919. His parents were Crawford McAusland and Charlotte Robson. He received his education at Vaughan, Melfort View, and Melfort High School. Clarance married Muriel Hadden of Okotoks, Alberta in July 1946. Clarance and Muriel had four children: Frances, Patricia, Marion, and Janet. Clarance lived for many years on SE 3-45-19-W2 and farmed a number of quarter sections of land in that area. In addition to grain farming, Clarance also raised purebred Shorthorn and Aberdeen Angus cattle and was a member of the Canadian Seed Growers’ Association. Clarance was active in the Grain Club, Swine Club, Melfort Agricultural Society, Melfort United Church, Masonic Lodge, Melfort Rotary Club, and the Melfort View School Board. Muriel McAusland passed away in January 1986. Clarance moved from the farm into Melfort in 2007. Clarance McAusland died on December 14, 2013.