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University of Saskatchewan. Division of Facilities Management

  • Corporate body
  • 1996-

In early 1909 it was announced that the University of Saskatchewan would be situated in Saskatoon on the banks of the South Saskatchewan River and the first group of buildings were opened in 1912. The current 755 hectare site includes 147 hectares of campus, 30 hectares of research park, and a large University Farm and Experimental Plot. The University also owns under lease a 52 hectare site on Emma Lake used for summer session classes in Biology and Art. The University of Saskatchewan owns and operates three research farms used primarily by the Colleges of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine. Charged with maintaining the building, grounds and physical plant was the Superintendent of Buildings, later the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, and from 1983 the Director (now Executive Director) of Physical Plant. In 1996 Physical Plant was renamed Division of Facilities Management. The following have served as Superintendent of Buildings: A.R. Grieg (1909-1937); W.E. Lovell (1937-1947); W.J. Robson (1947-1957); J.A. Wedgewood (1957-1969); A.D. Reed (1969- ).

University of Saskatchewan. Department of Computing Services

  • Corporate body
  • 1964-

The use of digital computers at the University of Saskatchewan began with the installation of a Librascope General Precision LGP-30 computer in the Mathematics department, in 1958. This machine was designed to fit into a Steelcase TM office desk, and had 4,096 words of 32-bit drum memory. Contrasted with today's microcomputer chips that have millions of transistors, this machine had 18 flip-flop circuits based on vacuum tube technology. It was jointly owned with PRL, and was not used except by the specialists in those two organizations. In the period 1963-65, an IBM 1620 was installed in the Engineering building. Some programming courses were given in Engineering, Commerce and Mathematics, but there was no full time support organization for computing until 1965, when an IBM 7040 "mainframe" was purchased with funding assistance from the National Research Council. It too was installed in the Engineering building and the Computational Centre was created in 1965. By 1967 a new IBM 360 Model 50 was installed in the Arts building, and the computer support staff consisted of 22 operators, programmers and analysts. In 1973 the University installed its first time-sharing system. It served up to 32 simultaneous users, and was programmed in BASIC. [Kavanagh, p. 1]. In 1974 the department was renamed the Department of Academic and Computing Services. The Department delivers a variety of technical, educational and sales services to the administrative and academic departments on campus. Head, Computational Centre: G.W. Peardon (1965-1969); N.E. Glassen [Acting] (1969-1970); N.E. Glassen (1970-1973); R. Vander Ham (1973-1974). Head, Computing Services: B.A. Malero (1964-1978); R.N. Kavanaugh (1978-1999); R. Bunt (2000- ).

University of Saskatchewan. Dean of Students

  • Corporate body
  • 1967-1973

In 1967, as part of the administrative reorganization precipitated by the implementation of the one university two campus concept, the Board of Governors created the position of Dean of Students. The Dean was to be responsible for student counselling, the Student Health Centre, and the operating philosophy of student residences. Problems in the area of student-University relations were to be referred to the Dean's office for study and recommendation. R.A. Rennie, who was Director of Counselling and Student Affairs from 1958-1967, served as the only Dean of Students from 1967 until his death in 1973. With the creation of the University of Regina in 1974, the position of Dean of Students was made redundant.

University of Saskatchewan. Correspondence Courses

  • Corporate body
  • 1929-

The need for correspondence courses was recognized early in the University's development but were used sporadically in the first two decades. Partly because of its dissatisfaction with the work of junior colleges, the University established extramural classes in 1929. Students were allowed to take five of the required fifteen classes beyond grade 12 (Hayden 122). Throughout World War II, correspondence courses were used extensively by the armed forces. The CBC National Farm Radio and Citizen's Forum combined correspondence and radio by sending material out in advance. Correspondence courses involving regular mail-back assignments have been used extensively for credit classes in the College of Arts and Sciences. The following have overseen correspondence courses: M. Timlin (1929-1946); D.D. Cameron (1946-1966); C. King (1966-1978); W.B. Whale (1978-1988); B. Cram (1988- ).

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