Showing 13775 results


Andrusyshen, Henry

  • Person

Born in Winnipeg, the son of Ukrainian immigrants, Constantine Henry Andrusyshen came to the University of Saskatchewan in 1944 as Professor and Head of the newly formed Department of Slavic Studies - the first such department in Canada. As one of the very first Canadian Slavists, his contribution as a teacher, translator, linguist and lexicographer is an enduring legacy. In 1955 he published his monumental Ukrainian-English Dictionary. Compiled by Dr. Andrusyshen and J. N. Krett with the assistance of Helen Virginia Andrusyshen, it was ten years in the making. This pioneering work includes about 100,000 word entries, 35,000 idiomatic expressions and a summary of Ukrainian grammar. It was republished in 1957 and 1981. Among Ukrainian lexicographers it is still recognized as the pre-eminent work.

Aneroid Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0431
  • Corporate body
  • 1925–1995

Aneroid Pastoral Charge was formed as a new United Church charge in 1925, containing preaching points at Aneroid, Kincaid (Glencaid), and Ponteix. By 1932, Ponteix had formed its own Charge and Aneroid Pastoral Charge points were listed as Aneroid, Cananea, Pinto River and Quimper. As of 1951, points consisted of Aneroid, Pinto River and Hazenmore. The charge amalgamated with Cadillac-Neville-Vanguard Pastoral Charge, to create New Venture Pastoral Charge, April 8, 1995.

Angley, Gladys

  • Person

Gladys Angley was born in Radisson, Saskatchewan in 1912, and moved to Regina in 1916. She received her early academic and musical training at Model School, Central Collegiate, Qu'Appelle Diocesan Girls' School and Regina College (University of Regina). She taught piano at various schools from 1931 until 1980, although complications due to rheumatoid arthritis forced her to curtail her public performances in 1955. From 1941 onwards she was associated with the (University of Regina) Conservatory of Music. Angley has continued to teach piano even after retirement.

Anglia Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0435
  • Corporate body
  • 1925–ca.1932?

Anglia Pastoral Charge was initially formed as a United Church mission field in 1925, part of Kindersley Presbytery and containing preaching points at Anglia, Winona and Engen. Around 1926, it became a pastoral charge, with points at Anglia, Camberly, Oliver, and Cleland. By 1932, Anglia joined Fiske Pastoral Charge, which became part of the joint Herschel-Fiske Pastoral Charge, ca. 1951, alongside points at Fiske, Herschel and McGee (previous points Camberlay and Cleland had joined Kingsland Pastoral Charge).

Anglican Church of Canada. Diocese of Saskatchewan

  • Corporate body
  • 1873 -

The Diocese of Saskatchewan was created in 1873, from territory previously ministered to by the Diocese of Rupert's Land, by an act of the Synod of the Diocese of Rupert's Land with the approval of the Anglican Church Missionary Society (CMS). The new Diocese was incorporated by Act of Parliament in 1882 ("An Act to Incorporate the Synod of the Diocese of Saskatchewan"). The original Diocese of Saskatchewan included most of the south and north-central areas of the present day civil provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta, and a small part of northern Manitoba. In 1884 the Diocese of Assiniboine (later Qu'Appelle) was created in the southeast. At the same time the Diocese acquired more territory in what are now northern Saskatchewan and Alberta, and a larger portion of Manitoba, including The Pas and Devon Mission area. In 1888 the Diocese of Calgary was created from its southwestern flank. Saskatchewan gave up the last of its Alberta and Manitoba territory in 1927 and 1933 respectively. Also in 1933 the Diocese was split again into a northern part, based in Prince Albert, and a southern part, based in Saskatoon. The original Act of Incorporation was amended to replace the name "Saskatchewan" with "Saskatoon," making it the continuing diocese and Saskatchewan the daughter diocese. The new Act of Incorporation was assented to March 27, 1933. The Diocese is responsible for ministering to the spiritual and (often) physical needs of its constituents in accordance with Anglican practices and Canon Law and including associated financial, legal and administrative functions. It is part of the ecclesiastical Province of Rupert's Land and in turn a member of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada. The Diocese is an autonomous, self-governing body with in its own jurisdiction, and has had the right to elect its own Bishop since 1970. Authority is held by the Diocesan Synod, which is made up of elected and appointed delegates from across the Diocese, and by the Executive Committee. The Bishop of Saskatchewan is the chief administrative and pastoral officer.

Results 301 to 315 of 13775