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University of Saskatchewan. Western College of Veterinary Medicine. Dean's Office

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Instruction in veterinary science commenced in the College of Agriculture as early as 1913 and an animal diseases laboratory was established in 1924. Discussions among officials of the prairie governments in 1944 and 1956 led to negotiations for a school to serve the western provinces. The University of Saskatchewan was selected as the site for a college in 1963. Teaching began in 1965. The following individuals have served as Dean: D.L.T. Smith (1963-1974); N.O. Nielsen (1975-1982); G.F. Hamilton (1983-1992); A. Livingston (1992-2002), Charles Rhodes (2002-2003 Acting, 2003-2010; Douglas Freeman (2010- ).

University of Saskatchewan. Western College of Veterinary Medicine. Department of Veterinary Physiological Sciences

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  • 1969-

Since 1969, the Department of Veterinary Physiological Sciences has provided undergraduate and graduate training in the function of the physiological systems of mammals, carried out basic and applied research, and provided analytical and diagnostic assistance to its clients through its three service labs. The following have served as head of the department: R.H. Dunlop (1967-1971); W.E. Roe (1971-1977); J.G. Manns (1977-1982); D.L. Hamilton (1982-1985); C.S. Sisodia (1985-1991); D.L. Hamilton (1991- ).

Lacalli, Thurston Castle, 1946-

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Thurston Castle Lacalli was born on 4 August 1946 in Seattle, Washington. He attended the University of Washington, graduating with a BSc in Chemistry in 1968. Lacalli accepted a fellowship at Churchill College, Cambridge and stayed for one term, prior to enrolling at the University of British Columbia where he earned his PhD in Zoology in 1973. He had post-doctoral fellowships at McGill and UBC prior to accepting a position at the University of Saskatchewan in 1977. By 1985 he had been made a full professor. Lacalli has authored over 57 academic papers and has frequently been invited to give conference presentations regarding his work. He retired from the University in 2002.

University of Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Horticultural Societies Association

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The Saskatchewan Horticultural Association was formed in 1927 with the objective of promoting "the interest of horticulture generally and horticultural societies particularly". The following year the provincial government passed the Horticultural Societies Act, giving the Extension Department responsibility for the general supervision of member societies. The department aided the societies with organization and training related to horticultural exhibitions, garden competitions, field days and demonstrations, home and town beautification, rural work and lectures on horticultural topics. The Deputy Minister of Agriculture, the Professor of Horticulture, and the Director of Agricultural Extension at the University were appointed ex officio directors whose duties included attendance at the Annual and Board meetings, providing assistance to the elected officials, and the promotion and improvement of Horticulture. The Saskatchewan Horticultural Association was instrumental in the creation and maintenance of the provincial fruit (1942) and horticultural shows (1962).

Denham, Paul

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Paul Denham was a Professor of English at the University of Saskatchewan. He has a B.A. and M.A. from the University of Western Ontario and a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto.

Clark, John Livingstone 1950-

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Ronald John Clark was born 6 August 1950 on Saltspring Island, British Columbia. He earned a B.A. from UBC in 1976 and a M.A. from SFU in 1982. He also studied at the University of Sydney in 1979 and 1980 as the Commonwealth Scholar for Graduate Studies in English Literature. In 1984, Mr. Clark moved to Saskatoon and joined the Department of English, University of Saskatchewan, as a Sessional Lecturer. In addition to his teaching duties, Mr. Clark has worked as an editor, contributed to several literary publications and anthologies as a poet, prose writer and reviewer and has had several books of his poetry published. His work has been published under the following names: R.J. Clark, Ron Clark, John Clark, John Livingstone Clark and J. Livingstone Clark. His awards include grants from Saskatchewan Arts Board and Canada Council, a CBC Award for Drama and an appointment as Writer-in-Residence at the Saskatoon Public Library for 1999-2000.

Kozakew, Mike

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Mike Kozakew exhibited films in Ituna, Saskatchewan, and the surrounding area.

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