The first school site was on NW 26-17-28, North West Territories on land owned by James Campbell. There are no available records that document what year the school was built or when it opened. A debenture for $450.00 was obtained from the Imperial Bank of Canada, Winnipeg on November 13, 1893. It was signed by Joseph Getty, chairman, and Isaac Griffith, trustee. A receipt for the eighth and final payment was dated November 18, 1901. Early records show that James Campbell was the first secretary. The early teachers were Cidna Simpson, April-November 1898; H.W. McDonald, April-November 1899; A.W. Lindsay, March-December 1900; L.A. Banks, February-December 1901.
Family names of students attending were: Griffith, Armstrong, Wilson, Hans, Campbell, Banks, McKeown, Dalrymple, Getty, Hurlburt, Lyons, Battel, Forsythe, Perkins and Gilmour.
In 1913 the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway went through the district and the hamlet of Archydal was established. The site of the new school was chosen to be here. It was built in 1914 on NE 35-17-28. It was a one storey, brick veneered building. The chairman was William Battel, the secretary-treasurer was George McKeown. The old school building was sold to James Gilmour. Three sections of land 3-17-27, 6-18-27 and 7-18-27 were taken out of the Moose Jaw Rural Municipality # 161 and added to the Summerside School District. In 1918 the main room of the new school was divided into two rooms. In 1921 a second storey was added to the school. This was used as a high school. The high school closed in December 1939.
In 1946 the Moose Jaw Larger School Unit formed and Summerside was incorporated into the unit. George W. McKeown was sub unit #5 trustee from 1946-1953.
In 1946 a teacherage was moved in. In 1962 a cottage type school was moved in and the two storey school was demolished.
Summerside School closed on June 30, 1964. It was moved to Grayburn to be used as a community hall. The school children were bussed to Moose Jaw. The last teacher was Mrs. Inga (Myklebust) Dalrymple and the last secretary-treasurer was R.E. Hancock.