Showing 13775 results


Botting Family

  • Family
  • 1861-

G. Gordon Botting was born December 25, 1910 in Wallaceburg, Ontario. In 1911, his family moved west when his father bought a farm in the Marquis district. In 1921, the family moved to Moose Jaw. In Moose Jaw, Gordon Botting attended King George Public School and Central Collegiate. In 1930, he graduated from the University of Saskatchewan.

Botting began work for the City of Moose Jaw in 1930 as a cost accountant and office manager of the engineering department. He was in this position until 1945 when he accepted the position of internal auditor with war time housing for the federal government. He took over his father’s farm and became a partner in a consulting firm. In 1957, he resumed his work for the City of Moose Jaw and became a city clerk. In 1961, Botting was made a Fellow of Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administrators of London, England and in 1967 he was given a centennial medal for public service. In 1971, he was chosen as city commissioner. He retired December 31, 1975. Botting was an active member of the Masonic lodge, the Elks, the Rotary Club and the St. Andrew’s United Church. He died June 20, 1976. Botting had a wife, Murleen, and a son, Gerald.

Boughton, Harvey Crawford (Dr.)

  • Person
  • April 16, 1889 - May 26, 1970

Medical Doctor, Fort San Sanatorium August 1, 1917 - August 1918
Assistant Medical Superintendent, Fort San Sanatorium, August 1918 - 1925
Orchestra Director, Fort San Orchestra, 1917 - 1925
Medical Superintendent, Saskatoon Sanatorium, April 15, 1925 - 1959

Results 1276 to 1290 of 13775