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Balon, Brett, 1953-

  • Person

Name: Brett Balon Place of Residence: Regina, Saskatchewan Education: Brett Balon studied at the University of Regina from 1971 until 1976, when he received his Bachelors of Arts Honours. He also studied French at the University of Victoria in 1971, the CEGEP de Jonquiere in Quebec in 1973, and at the Universite de Laval, also in Quebec, in 1974. From 1976 to 1977 he lived in London, Ontario, earning a Master of Library Science from the University of Western Ontario in 1978. He took graduate courses in sociology at the University of Western Ontario in the fall of 1977 as well. He acquired a Certificate, Data Processing, from the University of Regina in 1987, and received his PhD from Greenwich University, Hilo, Hawaii, in 1993. Occupation, life and activities: Balon became Branch Supervisor at the Southeast Regional Library in Weyburn from 1978 until 1982, when he joined the City of Regina as Records Management Supervisor. He has held a number of related positions at the City, and currently is the Record System Administrator, Information Systems. Brett Balon has contributed to the anthologies "Cracked Wheat" (1984), "More Saskatchewan Gold" (1985), "Heading Out: the New Saskatchewan Poets" (1987), "200 % Cracked Wheat" (1992), and "Black Water II" (1990). He edited "Survival of the Imagination: The Mary Donaldson Memorial Lectures" (1993) with Peter Resch. He has written many articles on records management, librarianship and archives, and received an Honourable Mention in the Children's Literature category of the Saskatchewan Literary Awards for 1981. Balon co-founded and was President of the Weyburn Writers Group (1980-82), Chair of the Saskatchewan Writers Guild (1983-84), President, Saskatchewan Library Association (1986-87), President, ARMA International, Saskatchewan Chapter (1990-91) and President (1987-88 and 1991-92) and Board Member (1984-present) of Coteau Books. Balon was also President of the Lupus Erythematosis Society of Saskatchewan in 1992-93. He died in 1997.

Balych Family

  • Family
  • 195-? - present

Alexander and Pearl Balych (both born in 1924) were business people in the city of North Battleford, and were very active in community, cultural and religious activities for many decades. They owned Roxy Photographic Studio, 1956-1959; later Alexander was employed by Larry's Electric and then by CKBI-TV as a photographer. He served as Branch Manager of the Western Development Museum (North Battleford) and was on the Museum Provincial Board. Pearl worked in the photography studio and served as a Recreational Director at the River Heights Lodge, while concentrating on community service. The Balyches' community involvement was sustained and extensive. In the 1970s, Alexander served as Commissioner of the North Battleford Chamber of Commerce, and Pearl served as Interim Commissioner, being the first woman to occupy that position. Alexander was a member of the North Battleford Industrial Development Board in the 1990s. Other community involvements included: the North-West Economic Development Council, the History Book Committe for "Following the Furrow," and the City of North Battleford Archives Committee, 1992-1998. From 1962-1972, Pearl Balych hosted the auditions of two local television programmes, "Tiny Talent" and "Spotlight on Talent" on CKBI, in the course of it, transporting over 1,000 children to Prince Albert for programming. For eight years she coordinated "Bushel Basket," a Battlefords-area talent programme of Exhibition Week. The Balyches were also involved in the production of a regular Ukrainian radio broadcast in 1959-1960 on CJNB Radio. They were both executive members of All Saints' Ukrainian Catholic Church in North Battleford. In 1981, Pearl Balych was chosen North Battleford's "Citizen of the Year."

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