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University of Saskatchewan. College of Physical Education/Kinesiolgy√

  • Corporate body
  • 1972-1998

Initially two directors conducted an athletic and physical education program for female and male students and staff. Classes were designed to prepare some students as physical education instructors for elementary and secondary schools. As early as 1940 all freshmen students were required to enroll in a one-year physical activities class. In 1950 a Department of Physical Education was established to carry on a service program for all students and to provide for physical education classes as electives in the Colleges of Arts and Science and Education. The Department became a School within Arts and Science in 1958, offering a 4-year course leading to the Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education. The graduate program and scientific research expanded in the 1960s and in 1972 the School achieved College status. In 1998 the College was renamed the College of Kinesiology. The following individuals have served as Dean or Director: Directors--E.W. "Joe" Griffith (1919-1952); Ethel Mary Cartwright (1931-1947); K. Gowie (1958-1959); W.A.R. Orban (1959-1966); H. Nixon (1966-1972). Deans--H. Nixon [Acting] (1972-1974); H. Nixon (1974-1977); J.D. Dewar (1977-1986); R.L. Mirwald (1986-1996); R.A. Faulkner (1996- ).

University of Saskatchewan. College of Pharmacy and Nutrition√

  • Corporate body
  • 1994-

Following passage of the Saskatchewan Pharmacy Act in 1911, the newly incorporated Saskatchewan Pharmaceutical Association requested the University of Saskatchewan undertake the training and examination of pharmacists. A School within the College of Arts and Science was established in 1913 and the following year, 22 students enrolled in a one-year certificate program following a three-year apprenticeship. In 1921 the School became a College offering a four-year course leading to a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. Three years later the certificate program was extended to two years. In 1946 the four-year BSP was a requirement for license in Saskatchewan. In 1987 a Division of Nutrition and Dietetics was established in the College of Pharmacy. Prior to this, Nutrition and Dietetics had been offered in the College of Home Economics. In 1994 the College was renamed the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition.

University of Saskatchewan. College of Pharmacy

  • Corporate body
  • 1921-1994

Following passage of the Saskatchewan Pharmacy Act in 1911, the newly incorporated Saskatchewan Pharmaceutical Association requested the University of Saskatchewan undertake the training and examination of pharmacists. A School within the College of Arts and Science was established in 1913 and the following year, 22 students enrolled in a one-year certificate program following a three-year apprenticeship. In 1921 the School became a College offering a four-year course leading to a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. Three years later the certificate program was extended to two years. In 1946 the four-year BSP was a requirement for license in Saskatchewan. In 1987 a Division of Nutrition and Dietetics was established in the College of Pharmacy. Prior to this, Nutrition and Dietetics had been offered in the College of Home Economics. In 1994, the College was renamed the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition. The following individuals have served as Dean: A. Campbell [Director], (1913-1921); A. Campbell (1921-1926); E.L. Woods [Acting] (1926-1928); E.L. Woods (1928-1946); W.C. MacAulay (1946-1976); B.R. Schnell (1976-1982); J.L. Blackburn (1983-1997); E.M. Hawes [Acting] (1997-1998); D.J.K. Gordecki (1998- ).

University of Saskatchewan. College of Medicine. Department of Psychiatry

  • Corporate body
  • 1952-

The Department of Psychiatry was created in 1952 as the School of Medical Sciences became the College of Medicine. Originally staffed by a single lecturer, the Department has grown into a teaching and research unit of considerable scope. In addition to teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students, the Department operates a number of clinical and research programs including: Adult Psychiatry; Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; the McKerracher Centre; the Neuropsychiatric Research Unit; the Applied Research Program; Psychiatric Home Care; and the Youth Services Program. The following have served as head of the Department: D.G. McKerracher (1954-1970); F.E. Coburn (acting 1970); I.M. McDonald (1970-1983); D.L. Keegan (1983- ).

University of Saskatchewan. College of Medicine. Department of Physiology

  • Corporate body
  • 1926-1951

Topics in human physiology first appeared at the University of Saskatchewan in 1914. They were initially presented in Pharmacy and Chemistry classes. The Department of Physiology was created in 1926 to meet the needs of the pre-medical students enrolled in the newly created School of Medical Sciences. With the opening of the College of Medicine the department took on the additional task of teaching Pharmacology, and from 1951 to 1969 was known as the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology. Although students in the health-related professions claim the bulk of teaching efforts, the Department prepares undergraduate students for graduation with General, Advanced, and Honours B.SC. degrees. The department maintains an active research program through which it offers training in physiology at the Master's, Doctoral, and Postdoctoral levels. Faculty also provides refresher courses for groups such as Physical Therapists, Optometrists, Pharmacists and hospital residents. The following have served as department head: J.M.D. Scott (1927-1930); J. Fiddles (1930-1946); L.B. Jaques (1946-1972); G.J. Millar (1972-1973); J.W. Phillis (1973-1982); M.M. McDuffie (Acting 1982-1984); M.M. McDuffie (1984-1989); J.A. Thornhill (1989- ).

University of Saskatchewan. College of Medicine. Department of Ophthalmology

  • Corporate body
  • 1956-

The first complete year of operation for the Department of Ophthalmology was 1956. While undergraduate teaching plays a relatively minor role, postgraduate instruction, service to the community (both patient and doctor), and research have figured strongly in the development of the Department. In addition to refresher courses and clinics, faculty are involved with the Orthoptic Clinic, Low Vision Clinic, Glaucoma Clinic, a pathology service, and a northern Saskatchewan eye examination program. In research the department is probably best known for its work on glaucoma. Its primary emphasis has always been the improvement of eye care in Saskatchewan. The following have served as department head: R.G. Murray (1955-1974); C.C. Ewing (1974-1980); R.J. Schneider (1980-1985); I.A. Chisolm (Acting 1985-1986); C.C. Ewing (Acting 1986-1989); H.L. Goldberg (1989-1992); K.G. Romanchuk (1992 ).

University of Saskatchewan. College of Medicine. Department of Community Health and Epidemiology

  • Corporate body
  • 1958-

The Department of Social and Preventive Medicine first appeared in the College of Medicine Calendar in 1958. It was to concern itself with the epidemiology of the major disease groups, with the social factors in health and disease, and with the organization of community health services. In collaboration with the medical sciences departments it prevented a statistical viewpoint and with the clinical departments it studied the problems of medical care. The main research activities in recent years have been connected with the Saskatoon Community Health Unit, Home Care, and the Northern Medical Services. In 1988 the Department changed its name to the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology. The following have served as department head: A. Robertson (1958-1962); R.F. Badgley (acting 1962-1963); D.J. Hosking (acting 1963-1964); V.L. Mathews (1965-1987); B.F. Habbick (1987- ).

University of Saskatchewan. College of Medicine. Department of Anaesthesia

  • Corporate body
  • 1954-

The first member of the Faculty of the Department of Anaesthesia was appointed in 1954. From this nucleus the department grew to train students at the undergraduate and postdoctoral levels. It was in the residency program the Department concentrated its efforts, in order to meet the ever present shortage of Anaesthetists in the province. The Department has also maintained an active clinical research program resulting in the introduction of several innovative drugs and techniques. The following have served as head of the department: G.M. Wyant (1954-1975); C.E. Hope (1975-1978); W.B. MacDonald; C.J. Kilduf (1984-1985); S. Neil (acting 1985-1987); P.G. Duncan (1987-1994); R. Yip (1994- ).

University of Saskatchewan. College of Medicine. Dean's Office

  • Corporate body
  • 1952-

The School of Medical Sciences, established in 1926, grew out of the small Department of Bacteriology founded in 1919 under the aegis of the College of Arts and Science. Between 1926 and 1956, students at the University of Saskatchewan were able to take two years of basic pre-medical classes prior to enrolling at a major medical school in Canada for the final two of instruction. The School became a College in 1952. The name changed to College of Medicine the following year. With the opening of [Royal] University Hospital in 1955, and its acceptance as a teaching and research centre for the College, beginning in 1956 students were able to take their entire medical course in Saskatchewan. The following year the College received accreditation from both the Canadian and American Associations of Medical Colleges. The following individuals have served as Dean: W.S. Lindsay (1926-1951); W. McLeod (1951-1962); R.W. Begg (1962-1967); D.F. Moore (1967-1970); J.R. Gutelius (1971-1973); R.G. Murray (1973-1984); I.M. McDonald (1984-1993); D.R. Popkin (1993- ).

University of Saskatchewan. College of Law. Dean's Office

  • Corporate body
  • 1912-

Courses in Jurisprudence and Constitutional Government were offered at the University of Saskatchewan as early as 1910-11 as part of the Political Science programme. The following term witnessed an expansion in both the type and number of subjects presented for Honours students. The College, established in 1912, enrolled its first students in 1913-14 for classes offered downtown after working hours (to accommodate articling students) by members of the local legal fraternity. In 1922 responsibility for training and examining law students was transferred from Wetmore Hall in Regina to the College of Law in Saskatoon. The following individuals have served as Dean: A. Moxon (1920-1929); F.C. Cronkite (1929-1961); O.E. Lang (1961-1968); R.C. Carter (1968-1974); D.A. Schmeiser (1974-1975); R.C. Cuming (1975-1976); D.H. Clark (1976-1983); D. Ish (1983-1988); R.P. MacKinnon (1988-1998); K. Roach (1998- ).

University of Saskatchewan. College of Home Economics

  • Corporate body
  • 1952-1990

In 1913 Abigail DeLury began 17 years as the Director of Women's Work in the Department of Extension, establishing Homemaker's Clubs (later, Saskatchewan Women's Institutes) to whom she taught homemaking skills and for whom she produced a variety of domestic science pamphlets. Instruction in household science began on campus in 1917 with the appointment of E.B. Rutter as instructor. The Department became a School within the College of Arts and Science in 1928 and the School became a College in 1942. In 1941 the degree program expanded from 3 to 4 years following senior matriculation. The name was changed from the College of Household Science to the College of Home Economics in 1952. The College was phased out in 1990. The following individuals served as Dean: G.H. Ling (1931-1940); H.H. Hunt (1940-1965); E.R. Simpson (1965-1971); M.J. Guilford [Acting] (1972); Helen Abell (1973-1974); M.J. Guilford [Acting] (1974-1976); D.L. Gibson (1976-1981); T.J. Abernathy (1981-1982); H.E. Nixon [Acting] (1982); G.M. Moss (1982-1987); Eva Lee (1987-1989); M. Crowle (1989-1990).

Results 946 to 960 of 13775