Aikenhead, Amanda (Née Eastman)
- SCAA-MDM-0002
- Person
- 188? - 19--
Aikenhead, Amanda (Née Eastman)
Evelyn Anderson (nee Goodson) was born August 10, 1913. Her parents, William Hayle Goodson and Mary Goodson (nee Bevington), had emmigrated from Nebraska, USA to the Naisberry, Saskatchewan district ca. 1911. As William Goodson had poor health, the family spent time both on the farmstead and in nearby Melfort, Saskatchewan. Evelyn's education was obtained at the Naisberry school, the Melfort Public School, and the Melfort High School. She briefly joined her sister in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, but did not enjoy city life, so returned to Melfort. Evelyn worked at Stewart's Store and Harry Hunter's Bookstore in Melfort during the 1930s. She married Bert Anderson in 1932. Following the marriage, the two moved to a farmstead, but would later move back to the town. The Andersons had five children.
Ada Bedard (nee Elliot) was born 1923 to George Elliot and Frances ("Sis") Mary Elliot (nee Ambler) in Pathlow, Saskatchewan. She attended public and high school in Pathlow. After graduation, Ada took teachers training at Regina Normal School. In July of 1944, she married Joshua ("Joby") Bedard, with whom she had three children: Brian (1947), Gerald (1949), and Jean Anne (1954). Joby was born 1913 in Marcelin, Saskatchewan. He attended school at Carmel, Saskatchewan and St. Brieux, Saskatchewan, and completed his education at the Harrisville School. He farmed until 1943, when he joined the RCAF. He resumed farming after being discharged. Joby served as councillor for Division 3 of the R.M. of Flett's Springs for 26 years, was a municipal representative on the Melfort Union Hospital Board for 19 years, served on the St. Breux Credit Union board for 19 years, and is a charter member of the Pathlow Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion #344. Ada is also a member of the Pathlow Legion Auxiliary.
Bjorgan, Christie Anne (née Flett)
Christie Anne Bjorgan (nee Flett) was born February 3, 1934 to John and Margery Flett. She later married, and had two children: Margery and Bradley.
Fred Brown's parents were Luther "Buster" Brown and Lilas Brown (nee Rigg). Fred attended Pierceville S.D. #1671 from 1941 to 1951, Willowdale S.D. #1887 from 1951 to 1953, and lastly, Burke School from 1953 onward.
Velma Campbell was born in 1924 on her family's farm in Ethelton, Saskatchewan. Her parents were Dennis Roy Groat and Majorie Groat (Olsen). Velma married William C. Campbell and together they had one daughter, Darlene Mae. Velma worked as a stenographer at Groat's Garage. She also enjoyed writing poetry and dramatic works. Her play "Oh, Those Golden Years" was performed by the Lacenda Club. Velma's husband William was a pilot in the Canadian Military. From 1941-1945 he was stationed in England as a rear air gun runner. William was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.
Albert Edward Carlson was born December 18, 1929 to John Edward Carlson and Helen ("Nellie") Elizabeth Carlson (nee Deighton) on the SE 1/4 of 30-45-20. He received his education at Kirkton School. When he was young, Albert would help his father at the farm until winter, at which point he would work elsewhere. At age 16, he went to La Pas Lumber Camp at Carrot River, Saskatchewan with John Ericson and Ernest Hendrickson. Another winter, he drove caterpillar at Meyers Camp in the bush. In 1952, Albert worked on the Lynne Lake railroad at Sheridon, Manitoba. Albert took over the family farm after the death of his father in 1953. In 1957, he married Audrey Carlson (nee Johnson) at the Zion Lutheran Church in Kinistino, Saskatchewan. They had five children.