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University of Saskatchewan - Place Riel√

  • SCN00225
  • Corporate body
  • 1976-present

The Place Riel Student Centre was constructed in three phases from 1976 to 1980 for a combined cost of $5,794,315. The original concept for the project had been the construction of a large freestanding building which incorporated all of the needs of the Student Centre. This plan was eventually adapted to include the use of space in the Arts Building and the Memorial Union Building (MUB) for student facilities primarily to offset construction costs. The Centre officially opened in September, 1980.

The first phase of the project involved the renovation of the Theatre Wing of the Arts Building. This was completed in 1976 for $178,080 by Smith Bros. and Wilson. It was designed by D. H. Stock and Partners. The second phase of construction involved the building of Place Riel itself. Place Riel was completed in 1979 for $3,916,235. It was designed by the architectural firm of Ferguson Folstad Friggstad and was built by Ellis Don Construction.

The final phase of construction involved the renovation of the MUB, which was again designed by Ferguson Folstad Friggstad. The renovations were completed by Bennett and White Construction in 1980. They included the demolition and removal of portions of the building, structural alterations, interior renovations, improvements to the elevator, and alterations and renovations to the Tunnel. Originally estimated at $902,688, this final phase of the project would eventually cost $1.7 million.

The completed building provided space for the Students’ Union Business Office, Sheaf Offices, commercial space for kiosks, meeting and seminar rooms, several general lounge areas, a theatre in the Arts Building, a discotheque (Louis’ Pub) in the MUB, a music listening room, a television lounge, a grad student lounge and a billiard and arcade room. Space in the building was also leased to campus radio station CJUS-FM, the Alumni Office, Student Counselling Services, a Canada Manpower Centre, the campus bookstore and food and vending services.

While construction on the complex was not begun until well into the 1970's planning for the structure actually began a decade earlier. During the 1964-65 academic year the Students’ Union recognized the need for facilities much more extensive than could be offered in the MUB. While the MUB had only been completed in 1955 an expanding student population had already made it obsolete as a central location for student activities and leisure on campus.

A Commission was established to investigate the matter and in 1964 student questionnaires and several studies were carried out. In a referendum in February, 1966 69.4% of students voted to increase a mandatory building tuition fee to $12. In 1967 the University and the Students’ Union jointly established a Project Building Committee to plan the required facilities. The University recognized its financial commitment to the project in late 1967 and included its anticipated share in the capital program request for 1968/69 and subsequent years. During the 1973-74 academic year the student body voted in favour of another increase in the annual building fee to $20.

University of Saskatchewan - Physical Education Building√

  • SCN00080
  • Corporate body
  • 1950-1998

The Physical Education Building was constructed from 1948 to 1949 as part of the $2.5 million Varsity Expansion Program. Built at a cost of $235,000, the centre was designed by F. J. Martin and built by Shannon Brothers Construction. The frame of the building was constructed from a double RCAF hangar erected at Dafoe, probably in 1940, and subsequently moved to Saskatoon in 1948. The Physical Education Building was unofficially opened on 10 February, 1950 for the annual basketball game against the University of Alberta, which the Huskies lost 27-36.

The completion of the building meant that the University of Saskatchewan finally possessed a real physical education and athletics centre after decades of makeshift facilities. The Main Gym floor consisted of three basketball courts and six badminton courts. The main basketball floor was the only regulation size basketball floor in Saskatchewan at the time. The building also contained dressing rooms, lockers, showers, drying rooms, boxing and wrestling rooms, and space for offices. In 1959 a dance studio was added to the building.

A pool addition was built by Shoquist Construction from 1963 to 1964 for $898,254. The Pool Addition was designed by Black, Larson and McMillan. During the 1969-70 academic year major renovations and alterations were made to the building; an Office Addition was completed in 1988 by Dunmac General Contractors for $136,952. This addition was designed by Bergerman Solodre.

In April of 1960 Black, Larson, McMillan and Associates performed an architectural and structural appraisal of the building in preparation for expansion plans on the building. They advised that with proper maintenance the current building could be structurally sound for another 20 to 40 years. However, they warned that major renovations towards the end of this period would likely be required. Their recommendation at that time was that an entirely new complex be constructed at a cost of $2,180,000. The advantages of such a proposal were said to be obvious, as “ the building would be planned from construction in stages, to meet ultimate requirements. Proper segregation and flow would be incorporated into the building. Outside activities could be located conveniently to the building.”[1] In short, the building could be built and designed to accommodate for the changing needs of the department over time. However, these recommendations were ignored in favour of extending the existing building, which was less expensive.

On 7 December, 1997 the University, acting on consulting Engineer's reports, determined that the Physical Education Centre was no longer structurally sound. Offices were moved from the building within hours and relocated to the Williams Building on Cumberland Avenue, and the building was partially demolished in 1998.

University of Saskatchewan - Physical Education Building

  • SCN00214
  • Corporate body
  • 1948-present

Initially two directors conducted an athletic and physical education program for female and male students and staff. Classes were designed to prepare some students as physical education instructors for elementary and secondary schools. As early as 1940 all freshmen students were required to enroll in a one-year physical activities class. The Physical Education Building was constructed from 1948-1949 as part of the $2.5 million Varsity Expansion Program. Built at a cost of $235,000, the centre was designed by F.J. Martin and built by Shannon Brothers Construction. The frame of the building was constructed from a double RCAF hangar erected at Dafoe, probably in 1940, and subsequently moved to Saskatoon in 1948. In 1950 a Department of Physical Education was established to carry on a service program for all students and to provide for physical education classes as electives in the Colleges of Arts and Science and Education. The Physical Education Building was officially opened on 10 February 1950 for the annual basketball game against the University of Alberta, which the Huskies lost 27-36. The completion of the building meant that the University of Saskatchewan finally possessed a real physical education and athletics centre after decades of makeshift facilities. The Main Gym floor consisted of three basketball courts and six badminton courts. The main basketball floor was the only regulation-size basketball floor in Saskatchewan at the time. The building also contained dressing rooms, lockers, showers, drying rooms, boxing and wrestling rooms, and space for offices. The Department became a School within Arts and Science in 1958, offering a 4-year course leading to the Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education. In 1959 a dance studio was added to the building. The graduate program and scientific research expanded in the 1960s. In April of 1960 Black, Larson, McMillan and Associates performed an architectural and structural appraisal of the building in preparation for expansion plans on the building. They advised that with proper maintenance the current building could be structurally sound for another 20 to 40 years. However, they warned that major renovations towards the end of this period would likely be required. Their recommendation at that time was that an entirely new complex be constructed at a cost of $2,180,000. The advantages of such a proposal were said to be obvious, as “the building would be planned from construction in stages, to meet ultimate requirements. Proper segregation and flow would be incorporated into the building. Outside activities could be located conveniently to the building.” In short, the building could be built and designed to accommodate for the changing needs of the department over time. However, these recommendations were ignored in favour of extending the existing building, which was less expensive. A pool addition was built by Shoquist Construction from 1963-1964 for $898,254. The Pool addition was designed by Black, Larson and McMillan. During the 1969-70 academic year major renovations and alterations were made to the building. In 1972 the School achieved College status. In 1998 the College was renamed the College of Kinesiology. An office addition was completed in 1988 by Dunmac General Contractors for $136,952, and was designed by Bergerman Solodre. On 7 December 1997 the University, acting on consulting Engineer's reports, determined that the Physical Education Centre was no longer structurally sound. Offices were moved from the building within hours and relocated to the Williams Building on Cumberland Avenue, and the building was partially demolished in 1998. Completed demolition occurred by 2000. The Physical Activity Complex (PAC) was officially opened on 28 Nov. 2003 for the College of Kinesiology, community activity programs, and Huskie Athletics. Griffiths Stadium (offering playing field with artificial turf, running track and grandstand seating) was upgraded in 2006 for the Huskie football Vanier Cup playoffs. Merlis Belsher Place, a multi-use ice facility, opened in 2018, replacing the nearly 90-year-old Rutherford Rink.

University of Saskatchewan - Peterson Building

  • SCN00015
  • 1958-

In 1958 the federal government leased a three-acre site in what was then the north end of campus from the University for $1 a year. On that site was built the PFRA-Peterson Building, home of the northern Saskatchewan PFRA (Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act) regional group. Staff worked on planning for the Gardiner Dam, soil conservation, and provided a variety of technical services to its prairie clientele. Sold to the University of Saskatchewan in 1998 for $1, the building's name refers to Bob Peterson, PFRA's first soil mechanics and materials engineer who was involved in the design and construction of many of the PFRA dams in Western Canada.

University of Saskatchewan - Observatory

  • SCN00208
  • Corporate body
  • 1928-present

The Observatory was designed by Gentil J.K. Verbeke and constructed in two phases using local limestone from 1928-1930 for about $23,000. The R. J. Arrand Contracting Co. was contracted to build the Observatory Tower in 1928 for a cost of $6625. The firm completed the tower $353 under budget on 14 April 1929, for $6,272. On 20 June 1929 R. J. Arrand was again awarded a contract by the University, this time to build the small classroom wing of the Observatory for $15,640. Work on the classroom wing was completed on 23 January 1930 for $15,034.50. University funding for the construction of the building was supplemented by private donations. Along with the Field Husbandry Building, the Observatory would be among the last free-standing buildings constructed on campus until after World War II. A plaque with the names of many donors still hangs inside the dome of the observatory. Saskatoon residents will find many of the names highly recognizable even today. A sundial was added to the exterior of the Observatory during the 1940s. It reads:
I am a Shadow
So art thou
The observatory facilities are available for use by both university students and visitors to the campus. The telescopes and other scientific equipment are used by students during the laboratory component of their courses. University personnel regularly offer tours of the observatory to elementary and high school classes, youth groups and other community associations. The Observatory is staffed year-round on Saturday nights so that any visitor may view celestial objects through the telescope.

University of Saskatchewan - Native Law Centre√

  • SCN00232
  • Corporate body
  • 1975-present

The Native Law Centre was established in 1975 to support undergraduate and graduate study, teaching and research in areas of law directly or indirectly involving native persons. The Centre offers library services, a seminar series and acts as a community resource centre. Through publications such as the "Canadian Native Law Reporter" and the "Legal Information Service", it has become Canada's largest publisher in the native law field. The Program of Legal Studies for Native Peoples, an eight-week summer orientation course in legal studies for native people, is also administered by the Centre. The following have served as Director of the Centre: R.C. Carter (1975-1981); D.J. Purich (1981-1994); J.Y. Henderson (1994- ).

University of Saskatchewan - Murray Memorial Library√

  • SCN00079
  • Corporate body
  • 1956 - present

Though the first recorded withdrawal from the University Library occurred in October 1909, nearly five decades passed before the Library had its own building. The early collection was housed either on the second floor of the College Building, later known as the Administration Building, or was scattered among a number of small departmental libraries. Plans for a new library building in the late 1920s were ended by the start of the Great Depression; but a dramatically reduced acquisitions budget was offset by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation in 1933. In 1943 the University hired its first professional Librarian.

A combination of provincial grants and University fundraising financed the construction of the Murray Memorial Library. Named after the University’s first President, the H. K. Black design marked a change in campus architecture away from the more angular and elaborate Collegiate Gothic style to that of the less expensive cube. Building materials included granite at the entrance and Tyndall stone (the material greystone replaced in 1911) as a wall cladding and window trim. In addition to the library, the building housed the College of Law, an office of the Provincial Archives and a 105 seat lecture theatre equipped with the latest in audio visual teaching aids.

Over the next two decades the University Library System mirrored the expansion of the University in general. Branches were opened in Education, Health Sciences, Law, Engineering, Geography/Physics, Thorvaldson, and Veterinary Medicine. The most dramatic transformation took place between 1970 and 1976 when a six floor south wing was added along with an extensive renovation of the 1956 structure. Designed by BLM, Regina, the south wing was unlike any other building on campus. Clad in Tyndall stone panels made to look like concrete (through a "bush hammered" finish), the grey almost windowless building is industrial and utilitarian in appearance. The University's master plan required buildings in the core of campus to be clad in stone. However, the "bush hammered" finish was used since the Library addition was built during a period that saw the flowering of "Brutalist" Architecture, so called because of the wide use of exposed concrete. The new (south) wing, originally called the Main Library, was officially opened on 17 May 1974, and also became the home of the Department of Art and Art History, the College of Graduate Studies and the University Archives.

University of Saskatchewan - Memorial Gates√

  • SCN00207
  • Corporate body
  • 1928-present

These are they who went forth from this University to the Great War and gave their lives that we might live in freedom.” - Inscription on the Memorial Gates.

Sixty-seven University students and faculty lost their lives while on service during World War I. In August 1918, three months prior to the formal armistice, President Walter Murray began making inquiries regarding the cost of memorial plaques. Two years earlier, the Board of Governors had authorized an “Honor Roll” of names for all associated with the University who served, be added to the College Building. The impact of the war on the University was immense: 330 students and faculty served during the War, a number equivalent to nearly all students who had registered the year prior to the beginning of the conflict. In 1916-17 Engineering closed its doors as all students and faculty enlisted.

Architect David R. Brown estimated the Gates would cost $30,000, with an additional $10,000 required for the memorial. Students and alumni fund-raising helped with a portion of the costs. The gates were made of solid bronze, imported from England; the remainder, made of local greystone.

The Memorial Gates were unveiled by President Murray and dedicated by the Bishop of Saskatchewan on 3 May 1928; and for many years thereafter the site was used for the University’s Remembrance Day services. Wreaths are still laid at the site every November 11th.

The location of the Gates was on the spot envisioned in the original campus plan as the main entrance to the University. It became the primary roadway to the Royal University Hospital, and in the late 1980s various plans were considered to help ease the flow of traffic through the area, including moving the Gates to another area of campus. The design finally accepted left the Gates in their original location as a pedestrian entrance way, with traffic re-routed to the west.

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