University of Saskatchewan. Regina College
- Corporate body
University of Saskatchewan. Regina College
University of Saskatchewan. Public Relations Department
University of Saskatchewan. Public Relations
University of Saskatchewan. Program Review Advisory and Discussion Groups.
To assist with reporting to the University Program Review Panel (Johnson Committee), an Advisory Group and a Discussion Group were formed. The mandate of the Advisory Group was to provide input and direction, while the Discussion Group presented views from the University community.
University of Saskatchewan. Principal's Office
One of the major issues facing the university's fourth President, J.W.T. Spinks, was the expansion of Regina Campus. Although that campus was administered by a principal, feeling grew in Regina that, with no equivalent position for the Saskatoon campus, the President would be more concerned with the northern campus. To counter this feeling, the government was asked in January 1966 to modify the University Act so that a principal could be appointed in Saskatoon. It was hoped that this move would allow the president greater freedom to concentrate on university, as distinguished from campus, affairs. On 1 July 1967 Robert Begg became the first and only principal of the Saskatoon campus of the University of Saskatchewan (Hayden, p.245). Dr. Begg's duties as the chief academic and administrative officer of the Saskatoon Campus included membership on the Board of Governors and several of its committees, including the Finance and Personnel Appointment Committees. In addition, he was a member of the University Executive Committee, University Senate and chaired both the University Council and its Executive Committee. He also chaired or was a member of several advisory councils, boards and administrative committees including Budget, Discipline and Buildings.
University of Saskatchewan. President's Office
The office of President and Vice-Chancellor is the chief executive office of the University. The President has overall responsibility for the direction and supervision of the academic work of the university and its business affairs, and any other duties assigned by the Board of Governors (University Act, s.81). Between 1909 and 1949 the presidents had very broad powers; since that time various limitations have been placed on them (Hayden, p.10). The President is appointed by, and is responsible to, the Board of Governors. Presidents currently are appointed to 5-year terms, with the possibility of renewal. The Presidents to date have been: Walter Charles Murray (1908-1937), James S. Thomson (1937-1949), Walter P. Thompson (1949-1959), John W.T. Spinks (1959-1974), Robert W. Begg (1974-1980), Leo F. Kristjanson (1980-1989), Blaine A. Holmlund [acting] (1989-1990), J.W. George Ivany (1990-1999), and R. Peter MacKinnon (1999-).
University of Saskatchewan. Office of Communications
In January of 1950, the University of Saskatchewan made its first concerted effort to inform the people of Saskatchewan of "its progress and of the work that goes on inside its greystone buildings". For the next two years the Executive Assistant to the President, A.C. McEown, was responsible for the distribution of press releases. In 1952 the Public Relations Department was created and two years later was renamed the News Service Office. In 1964 the name of the department was changed again to News and Information. Publications, which had operated as a separate department, merged with News and Information in 1974 to become News and Publications. In 1989, the name was changed to Community Relations and again in 1992 to Public Relations. The Department is currently called the Office of Communications. The following have headed the department: A.C. McEown (1950-1952); F. Lovell (1952-1964); J. Campbell (1964-1989); D. Noakes (1989-1991); S. Cornforth (1992- ).
University of Saskatchewan. News Service Office
University of Saskatchewan. News and Publications
University of Saskatchewan. News and Information
University of Saskatchewan Medical Library
University of Saskatchewan. Independent Studies
University of Saskatchewan. High School Liaison Office
In 1954, President W.P. Thompson formed an ad hoc committee to coordinate the various requests from high schools for visitors from the University. A year later a committee on High School Visits was established to recruit and counsel prospective students. In 1959 three subcommittees were formed: University Nights, Campus Tours, and Teacher's Institutes. The High School Liaison office was created in 1974, and assumed responsibility for the production of brochures, handbooks and audio-visual material, the biannual newsletter "Its Your University", career days, high school summer camp tours (1974-1992), and the coordination of university contact with high schools throughout the province. In 1992/1993, the High School Liaison Office was placed under the jurisdiction of the Registrar's Office. The following have served as department head: C.A. Wheaton (1974-1976); S. Meeklal (1976-1980); R. Niekamp (1980-1982); M. Greenshields (1982-1984); B. Cram (1985-1988); B. Loewin (1988-1992); T. Gasior (1992-1994); K. McInnes (1994- ).