Showing 69 results

Methodist Church√

Arnup, Jesse Henry

  • SCAA-UCCS-0089
  • Person
  • 1880–1965

Jesse H. Arnup, (1881-1965) was a Methodist and then United Church minister and later the Moderator of the United Church of Canada. He was born in Norfolk County, Ontario in 1881. In 1905, he was received on trial by the Methodist Church in Estevan, Saskatchewan. He graduated from Victoria College in 1909 and received his D.D. from Wesley College, Winnipeg, in 1924. From 1910 to 1912 he was Secretary of the Layman's Missionary Movement of the Methodist Church, Assistant Secretary of Overseas Missions from 1913 to 1925, and Secretary of United Church of Canada Foreign Missions from 1925 to 1952. He served as Moderator from 1944 to 1946.

Bray, Thomas

  • SCAA-UCCS-0184
  • Person
  • 1882–1954

Chown, Samuel Dwight

  • SCAA-UCCS-0185
  • Person
  • 1853–1933

Samuel Dwight Chown (1853-1933) was a Methodist/United minister and administrator. He was born in Kingston, Ontario in 1853. At age twenty-one, Chown was accepted by the Montreal Conference as a probationer for the Methodist ministry. He was ordained in 1879 and served various charges in the Montreal Conference. He developed a reputation for his work in moral reform, especially temperance. In 1894, he moved to the Carlton Street Church in Toronto. In 1902, he was appointed Secretary of the Department of Moral Reform. In 1910, he was elected to serve as General Superintendent. In 1912, he was made principal of Ryerson Theological College in Vancouver. As General Superintendent, Chown brought the Methodist Church into church union in 1925. He retired in 1926 and published The Story of Church Union in Canada in 1930.

Cooperating Committee of Saskatchewan

  • SCAA-UCCS-0075
  • Corporate body
  • 1911–1925

The Cooperating committee of Saskatchewan was formed when representatives of the Presbyterian and Methodist Churches met at Regina, May 2, 1911, in order to facilitate cooperative activity in various localities in Saskatchewan. The formation of this Committee paralleled a similar action taken at the national level by the Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational Churches. After mid-1923, this committee was called the Provincial Committee on Co-operation.

Day, David C.

  • SCAA-UCCS-0291
  • Person
  • 1869–1948

Ferguson, Robert George (Dr.)

  • Person
  • 1883-1964

Dr. Ferguson graduated from the Manitoba Medical School in 1916, while in medical school he interned under Dr. Steward a the Ninette Sanatorium. Dr. Ferguson was appointed Medical Superintendent of the Fort San Sanatorium in 1917 and retired from the League in 1948. During this time he resided at Fort San with his wife Helen and their 7 children.

Results 1 to 15 of 69