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City of Saskatoon Archives

Saskatoon Arena Limited

  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1936 - 1956

In 1936, a group of Saskatoon business men began a campaign to raise funds to build an artificial ice ring for the City. In 1937 they formed the Saskatoon Arena Limited with L.D. Peterkin as President and R.J. Norman Couch as Managing Secretary. The campaign raised about $50,000 from shareholders subscriptions and $13,000 from the City and the province in the form of relief payments. The Collegiate Board agreed to sell the site in return for a 10 year guarantee of free hockey and skating time for school children. The cornerstone was laid on 18 September and the first game was played on 30 October 1937. The facility was run by Saskatoon Arena Limited until 1956 at which time it was leased by the City. In 1958 the City purchased the rink outright

1989 Jeux Canada Games Society Saskatoon Inc. No. 207594

  • SCAA-COS-0001
  • Entidade coletiva
  • July 8, 1985 - December 31, 1990

The 1989 Jeux Canada Games Society Saskatoon Inc. No. 207594 was established to plan, organize, finance, prepare for and manage the 1989 Canada Summer Games, held in Saskatoon from August 13th to August 26th, 1989. The Society was incorporated and registered under the Non-profit Corporations Act (Saskatchewan) on 8 July 1985. The work of the Games Society was accomplished through the coordinated efforts of the following: a Games President and General-Manager; a twenty-one member Board of Directors; a Management Committee consisting of the General-Manager, nine voluntary vice-presidents, and provincial and municipal government representatives which implemented the policies and guidelines of the Multi-Party Agreement of September 19,1986; and nine Games divisions, each headed by a vice-president, which were responsible for the day-to-day planning and operations of specific-interest areas. These divisions were: Administration; Ceremonies and Protocol; Complementary Activities; Facilities; Finance; Friends of the Games; Language Services; Marketing; and Sports. The chief Executive officers of the 1989 Jeux Canada Games were Tony Dagnone, Games President and Brian Hansen, General-Manager. The official bilingual name of the 1989 Canada Summer Games was established as "Jeux Canada Games" (Canada Games Council minutes, June 12-13, 1987). Verbal references to the Games in ceremonies, press releases and articles used the term "Canada Games" in English and "Jeux du Canada" in French. Generally, throughout the records,it is known as the 1989 Jeux Canada Games.The 1989 Jeux Canada Games Society had no predecessors or successor bodies. It worked closely with, but did not form part of the Canada Games Council, a federal governing body overseeing the Canada Games, which establishes eligibility rules,standards of facilities and sports to be included in the Games. The 1989 Jeux Canada Games Foundation Inc., established to administer funds remaining after the 1989 Games,through the distribution of interest accrued from the invested funds to assist in the development of amateur sport in Saskatchewan, is a separate and distinct body from the1989 Jeux Canada Games Society Saskatoon Inc.The 1989 Jeux Canada Games Society Saskatoon Inc. was struck off the Corporations' register on 31 December, 1990.

Cole, Ernest J.

  • Pessoa
  • 1916-2000

Ernest J. "Ernie" Cole was born in Anerly, Saskatchewan in 1916 and came to Saskatoon to attend Normal School (teacher's college). He later attended the University of Saskatchewan, graduating from the College of Engineering in 1944. His wife, Mary died in 2066 after which he moved to Ottawa. They had two children, a son and a daughter. E.J. Cole died on Nov 9, 2000.

Foss, Wally

  • Pessoa
  • ca. 1932

Wally Foss was a field engineer in the employ of the City of Saskatoon in 1932, and was involved in the construction of the Broadway Bridge.

Underwood, Joseph Edwin

  • Pessoa
  • 1882-1960

Joseph Edwin ("Ed") Underwood was born in Wroxeter, Ontario. He graduated from the University of Toronto in 1909 with a degree in Civil Engineering. He married Lina Florence Case, of Toronto, in 1911, and moved to Saskatoon. After her death in 1931, he married a second time, to Ethel (d. 1983). He had three children, J. Bruce, Edith and Elizabeth. In Saskatoon, he was involved with organizations like the Saskatoon Board of Trade, the Exhibition Board, the Westminster United Church and the Masons.

Wentz, Charles Frederick Rupert

  • Pessoa
  • 1907-1982

Charles Frederick Rupert "Rupe" Wentz was born in Pasadena, Calif and came to Saskatoon with his family. He was married twice, to Maxine (d., 1975) and to Betty. He had two daughters, Jane (Graham) and Margaret (Ramson) and one son, Charles Frederick. He died in California in 1982.

East, John A.

  • Pessoa
  • 1881-1952

John A. East was born in Grand Valley, Ont., part of a large, farm family. He left home at age 18 to apprentice in an iron foundry (or possibly as a machinist) and thereafter lived and worked in various places in the US and eastern Canada before coming west in 1905, to Winnipeg and later to Edmonton, Alberta. He homesteaded briefly at Innisfree, Alberta, before returning to Edmonton. in 1909, he moved to Saskatoon. He married Elizabeth May Melville in 1903 and had four children: Melville, Wheldale, Dorothy and Rita. He died in Saskatoon on Oct. 18, 1952.

Oosterinsk, Jan

  • Pessoa
  • ca. 1932

Jan Oosterinsk worked for the City of Saskatoon in 1932 and was involved in the construction of the Broadway Bridge.

Geary, David Stewart

  • Pessoa
  • [Alive in 2022]

David Geary was one of the first two graduates from the University of Saskatchewan Fine Arts program, in 1970. He has been described as "one of the most prolific self-published underground creators in Canada during the 1970s and is responsible for the development of the comic book scene in the prairie provinces, first as a creator and later as a teacher/mentor."

Carlson, Diane

  • Pessoa
  • [Alive in 1989]

Diane Carlson is a Saskatoon artist who is known to have collaborated with artist/cartoonist David Stewart Geary on several projects.

Saskatoon Bottling Works

  • Entidade coletiva
  • [between 1905 and 1916?]

The Saskatoon Bottling Works was a soft drink manufacturing established by Percy T. Colbert, bottling and selling various "flavoured sodas and mineral waters of a non-intoxicating variety." The plant stood at 418 First Avenue South, near the corner of Spadina Crescent, in Saskatoon. By the 1920s, a company with that name was operating in Riversdale, and the Colbert's soft drink factory on First Avenue South was identified as Colbert & Co.

McWillie, Robert

  • Pessoa
  • [died 2009]

Robert McWillie (d. 2009) served overseas during the Second World War. After the war, he worked for Sask Power and later for the City of Saskatoon Electrical department. He was heavily involved in the union movement both while working and in retirement.

Lumby, John Donald

  • Pessoa
  • 1930-2017

John Donald Lumby was born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, on Dec 19, 1930. He married Helen Hase in 1956. They had three children: Lisa, John Jr., and Jeff. He spent most of his life in Saskatoon, moving to Kitchener, Ontario, after retirement, where he died on Nov. 3, 2017.

He studied engineering at the University of Saskatchewan and graduated from the Officer's Indoctrination Course, University Reserve Training, in June 1950. In 1964, he also received a Certificate of Business Administration from the U of S.

He initially apprenticed in industrial and commercial photography at Hansen Photographers in Edmonton. In the early 1950s, he worked as a photographer with the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, and later served as Director of Photography at CFQC-TV in Saskatoon from 1955 to 1965. From 1961-1981, he and Helen operated a film, photography, television and audio production company under the names Lumby Productions (1965-1981) and Size Small Productions (1981-1988).

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