Showing 13775 results


Agricultural Students' Association (University of Saskatchewan)

  • Corporate body
  • 1920-

The first meeting of the Agricultural Students' Association of the University of Saskatchewan was held on March 20, 1920. It was formed as "a result of the cessation of the War, with its consequent effects in student enrollment." With greater numbers of students, "many new organizations [appeared, which] caused considerable overlapping in student activities with no central body in control." At the request of his fellow students, 4th-year president J.B. Harrington called a general meeting of College of Agriculture students on February 10, 1920. A subcommittee was formed to draft a constitution; that constitution was approved, and the ASA officially formed in March. Among the objectives of the Association was the development of rural leadership and the promotion of agricultural education in the province; although, as with most student organizations, its primary function was to promote fellowship among the students and to serve as a medium of communication between students and faculty.

Agriculture Building Campaign

  • SCN00229
  • Corporate body
  • 1986

The "Partners in Growth" Campaign raised over $12 million toward the cost of the Agriculture Building. Donors included faculty, alumni, students, individuals and corporations. The campaign, begun in 1986, was organized by Ketchum Canada Inc. and directed by Scott Smardon.

Agriculture Building (University of Saskatchewan)

  • UASC0003
  • 1988-present

Original plans for the Agriculture Building had it joining Kirk Hall, the John Mitchell Building and Crop Science, but the architects, Folstad-Friggstad, instructed to provide “a highly visible complex for the College,” proposed a stand-alone building intended to state the importance of the College of Agriculture to the University. It is the first major building on campus clad with glass rather than brick or stone.

The original structure cost $91,000,000 and was constructed between 1988-1991. It consisted of five floors, with 164 research labs, 38 teaching labs, 182 offices, 9 classrooms, 4 computer training facilities, 6 conference rooms, and 167 controlled environment plant growth facilities. In addition it has an impressive inner courtyard, the Atrium, and is home to the Kenderdine Gallery, named in honour of the University’s first art instructor.

Numerous private and corporate donors contributed to the building fund.

The structure had been designed to enable future expansion, and by 2000 a sixth floor was added at a construction cost of $10,000,000. The new addition was intended to house Animal and Poultry Science, Food Science, and Bioinsecticide Research.

Results 106 to 120 of 13775